how much are you being charged for the shipping?
Very nice. Could you share the deal?
Our customs are known for stealing items. I would say dont take chances just for saving $8. Tell the seller to remove unwanted material like manuals , etc.
I had got a focus with a case and still it was well below 500gms.
Ask the seller to ship internationally ONLY if it has proper tracking. Many packages are shipped using cheap services and don't have tracking info have been lost or items flicked from it. If he isn't ready to use better shipping then get it shipped via SNS.
Btw what is the difference in price if its shipped direct to India and shipped to a US address?
the cheapest one i can find is 214 $ . how are you getting it such a low price? also with the hassles of exchange rates , custom duty, paypal charges, shipping fees, its not worth the risk.