Internet Explorer 7.0 to Launch Ahead of Firefox 2.0



Microsoft puts the finishing touches on its latest browser
In the battle of Firefox versus Internet Explorer 6.x, there was really no comparison. Firefox's tabbed browsing, perceived advantages in security and extensive extensions support -- not to mention the fact that it wasn't a Microsoft product -- have played a role in guaranteeing Firefox's success. It's a totally different ball game, however, with Internet Explorer 7.0.

Internet Explorer 7.0 adds many of the features that is has been lacking in comparison to Firefox including tabbed browsing, an improved printing engine, integrated anti-phishing technology, RSS support and beefed up security. Disappointingly, there’s still no centralized extension system with Internet Explorer 7.0. According to Scott Graff, Microsoft program manager for IE7 Compatibility, the browser will be released this month:
The final release of IE7 is fast approaching … and I mean really fast … and will be delivered to customers via Automatic Updates a few weeks after it’s available for download. We want to ensure that you are ready and the information below will help get you there. Compatibility with sites, extensions and applications has been a very high priority for us as we develop new features, enhance the existing features and move the platform forward to be more secure and standards compliant. We are continually listening to feedback from our customers, partners and leaders in the industry to resolve major compatibility issues to ensure our common customers have a great experience with IE7.

Firefox 2.0 RC2 was released this past Friday, while RC3 is expected sometime next week. The Mozilla Foundation isn't expected to release the final version of Firefox 2.0 to the public until November.