Intresting concept - "Don't vote for regional parties"

as long as they find some reason to create a votebank with something in common, religion, caste, region, politicians will continue to do it , cos they will do anything it takes to win an election
Its not a 2 party or 3 party issue. Its a regional vs national parties issue. The more I think about it, the more I beguin to agree witrh the article.

Just imagine karunanidhi/jayalalitha/lalu/YSR/deve gauda etc. becoming foreign ministers!
bottle said:
at least jayalalitha can speak decent english

i am not really into politics ...... but thats very wrong statement ...... politics has nothing to do with english or no english ......
that was in reference to them being foreign ministers , leaving ideals aside at least shes capable of representing us
well i said at least :p not that i am supporting her or anything :lol:

anyways to represent our country elsewhere i would say that its something basic thats needed
You ppl are misinterpreting Bottle...

what he meant to say was, that out of all the ppl i mentioned, if not in other skills, jaya can speak English atleast better than the others.
Baatli loves Amma. ;)

PS: I can't even imagine her as chief of the Ministry of External Affairs. Talk about IL-76 being deployed to carry her around.
please enough amma talk :p i wish i didnt post here since i look like an aidmk supporter now
gmano said:
^^ Sir, I am not misinterpreting. Knowing a language is not a better thing than others.

Yes it is for a foreign minister, simple diplomacy can solve lot of problems but talking through a translator does not work out very well.

That was a nice article, will seriously think about it.
ohh so it means foreign minister mint more money since all after i got it i should concentrate on that line...oops i 4got its all about dollars/pound.......!!!!
bottle said:
at least jayalalitha can speak decent english
I agree,but can she speak hindi
or a first time amrikan or angrez visitor can understand her english?

I truly hope we get rid of the times when language skills determine competency
hell we need stability and we need to end the goddam corruption.........baki sab maaf