Intresting concept - "Don't vote for regional parties"

Hacker said:
Yes it is for a foreign minister, simple diplomacy can solve lot of problems but talking through a translator does not work out very well.

That was a nice article, will seriously think about it.

Sir, what makes you say that the english language is a must for a foreing minister?
What about your english speaking minister wants to talk to a chinese minister? or japanese? (lot of other countries dont even take english as their second language, but they do exist in this world and have good relationship with other countries). Using an translator works well.
gmano said:
Sir, what makes you say that the english language is a must for a foreing minister?
What about your english speaking minister wants to talk to a chinese minister? or japanese? (lot of other countries dont even take english as their second language, but they do exist in this world and have good relationship with other countries). Using an translator works well.

Have you ever met a politician or a diplomat. Im pretty sure you havent (not talking of local politicians )

I never said that using a translator does not work out, i said it does not work VERY well and even you agree with me. :) But to create extra ordinary rapport, charm someone or influence someone you need to speak a common language which most of the times is english.
Shall we end this debate here or you want to continue.
Hacker said:
Have you ever met a politician or a diplomat. Im pretty sure you havent (not talking of local politicians )

I never said that using a translator does not work out, i said it does not work VERY well and even you agree with me. :) But to create extra ordinary rapport, charm someone or influence someone you need to speak a common language which most of the times is english.
Shall we end this debate here or you want to continue.

Sir, I am almost one and a half times elder than you and I am a lawyer, I am not wise as you are. (but for sure I have come across many politicians in my life)
But politicians != Diplomats

Do you think that majority of the politicians mentioned above will be able to follow these protocols?

Not only protocol, they have to have extraordinary communication and negotiation skills. While they maybe good in the above in their native language, it is extremely important to have ones point across as one intends without loosing all the vital stuff in translation.
The idea is nice in theory, but what does the common man want ?

a party based in Delhi or one from his own province that supposedly looks after his interests. Not that this will necessarily happen, but the probability is if only perceptively slightly more.

Or there is the other side where they are sick to hell of their local shit-for-brains and would welcome an outsider.

I'm not sure at this point which possibility is the more likely.
This is not about alltogether outvoting regional parties. Its about having them in the centre.

For example, let TDP/Cong./TRS in AP, AIADMK/DMK etc. in TN continue in their respective states. But, the centre must be held by national level parties.
I have no issues voting for regional parties.

When it comes to corporation and state elections, I will consider whats best for my city or state. When it comes to National Lok Sabha polls then I look at the leader of the alliance or party and vote accordingly.

Thats one of the reasons Congress does not get my vote in central elections :p

They haven't has a clear Prime Ministerial candidate every since the Rajiv Gandhi era.

Regional parties do a lot of good work. But there are some parties which does not care at all about national interest which is wrong.

Same goes to the hardliner Maoist/Marxist communists parties ( some people specially from east / NE india may not agree with this ). Maoism and Marxism are failed political theories. Mao was great military strategist but his ideas about political and economical running of nation does not go well with the concept of freedom. Whoever votes for these parties should really think twice.

Why are you voting for something that has caused nothing but unrest in this work.

In India there are two clear national parties. BJP and congress.

Rest all are regional parties and allies of these two. there are some major political parties like SP which is regional but has a strong hold in one of the nation's most influential state. But thats about it.

But that does not mean there is no value to regional parties and we should not vote for them. In central election its ok not to vote for regional party which is not part of UPA or NDA as its pointless to vote for them in that case.

But in local / state elections these parties are sometimes more important than national parties.
^^ Well I am not too sure if democracy is the best way , or even a decent way for the country called India......what i feel is that the right to vote needs to be earned, and there has to be some filter to ensure that the ones who are ignorant enough to vote their caste, religion etc are not allowed to vote at all......there may be a provision of maybe a minimum qualification for the right to vote......and again the politicians must be taken ti psychologists for psychological profiling to ascertain their character before they are allowed to contest the polls......not every other "abu salem" should be allowed to be an MLA/MP.......