Inventing a new Genre

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Hi Guys,

I am sure most of the experienced gamers here have played almost all types of games belonging to different genres and I am no exception either. With the advance in technology we have seen an evolution of almost all the departments of game development. We now have better graphics, better presentation, better game design and mammoth game development budgets to go with it. Sure, everything looks pretty and "realistic" now but if there is one essential thing which hasn't changed much over the years, it has to be the game genres.

An FPS is still an FPS with a few tweaks here and there but the gameplay is essentially the same. There maybe a huge visual difference between Doom and Doom 3 but it still remains a run and gun shooter. This observation left me wondering, has every genre been invented already? Is there nothing new that we can come up with? Most of you would debate that maybe Motion gaming and 3D gaming is the next big thing but even if so, the genres would still remain the same.

So, just for fun, lets stress our brain a little to see if we can come up with a new kind of a genre which has the potential to fill some new life in the slowly decaying gaming industry? Lets share some ideas guys. :)

My idea of a new genre would be something like what the peeps in the movie "Inception" do. Create a world using your imagination. Its a pretty vague idea at this time and I am not sure how it would work in a gaming environment but it sounds interesting. And please don't confuse it with games like simcity or something, everything happens in real time here. With each step the protagonist takes, we have the ability to change the gaming world, build structures, destroy structures etc. Basically we are to play a GOD. How does it sound?
I dont think there is really any new genre left to invent..All we can do is be as much creative we can be in improving the existing genres with better gameplay elements, visuals etc..
OP should take a look at Minecraft

Also a lot of new genres being discovered by the indie game devs world wide. Contests and competitions like LudumDare , Experimental Gameplay Project , indiCade, Independent Games Festival and Global Game Jams are a rich source for genre breaking games. Even the arcade genre has a vibrant revival with games like Nidhogg / Super Crate box.

Few games that I can name off the top of my head are : Desktop Dungeons (Roguelike genre) , Journey / Flower , Boham (Zen genre) , Miegakure , Fez , Continuity ( Dimension shift). Apart from genre breaking a lot of games are trying to innovate story telling by using Narrator driven gameplay (Bastion) or taking Interactive fiction to another level with games like Sleep is death, Dear Esther .
Bluffmaster said:
My idea of a new genre would be something like what the peeps in the movie "Inception" do. Create a world using your imagination.
kaiserbreath said:
OP should take a look at Minecraft

Also, completely agree with kaiserbreath's post. If you want innovation, indie gaming is where its at.

Also, if you are a regular RPS reader, you will come across many such stuff.
Excellent thread.........

My idea would be to have a game based on Caesarean Roman times with a solid mixed mode of third person (RPG) and strategy. I mean, not like a new genre but a mix and match that has a solid gameplay in the end. My thoughts.....
I don't have an idea of a new genre here but I'd like to post something about David Cage. He could very well be credited with inventing a new genre - interactive drama. The last two games from Quantic Dream (Indigo Prophecy & Heavy Rain) followed a third-person perspective but the other elements in the titles such as the QTE, emotions, drama, interactive storytelling etc. could be attributed to a completely new genre IMO. Both the games have had a cult following and Cage seemed to have definitely heard them. His next project seemingly titled as Fiv5, is again something in the lines of these as rumours predict.

Unlike other developers who seem to milk a franchise by releasing countless sequels with an uninspiring storyline. Call of Duty and Medal of Honor for instance - we all loved the original titles and to a large extent, still loved playing their sequels as well, but the mojo seems to decrease by the sequel. :|
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