Investment managers / financial advisors with GUARANTEED returns?

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Long story short, I do not get a lot of time nowadays to look into the nitty gritties of stocks and funds to invest in. Due to this, I either end up taking the wrong calls, or just don't take any positions at all. In days when I had more time, I was fairly successful. Since I am looking for a better return on my investment, I was wondering if there are folks / companies who offer this kind of service, with assured returns, primarily working on stocks, funds and forex.

I would like to assume such services exist, but am probably not hitting the right terms on Google. Does someone know / use any such service? How much does it cost, and what kind of returns are guaranteed? I don't want to trust some random guy just because I want a good return.
lol @ assured returns .., no one can guarantee a return unless its your own money , even then sometimes its a gamble
Meaning, there has to be a minimum. If someone comes and says that they can't assure any return, I would rather not trust them. Damn it, even investing in debt funds gives one around 10% a year. They should have enough sense to take the call on when to divert the investment into which channel. That's the reason I am not looking for any tom dick and harry
What you are looking for is Portfolio managers. You give them your money and they invest/trade with it as pr your instructions. The charges can be as a percentage of the profit or a fixed percentage of the portfolio or a combination of the two. Another option I had heard was that they provide a fixed guaranteed return and keep the remaining profit as their fees. In case of a loss, they pay from their pockets. Such an option where anyone is giving a guarantee of fixed returns greater than bonds/FDs is risky and you need to go through the agreements/legal documents properly so that you don't get cheated.

Ask your broker or bank for these and they will provide you with the necessary details.
Hmm, most banks' portfolio managers have vested interests in the ULIPs they sell. That is one major reason I avoid them. I also haven't heard about any bank's portfolio managers offering a guaranteed minimum, though I have to admit I never enquired directly. I will follow up with them. Do any of the popular private investment advisory firms offer something like this? Like may be Bajaj or Edelweiss.
You are asking is what is called PMS(portfolio management service).ANd to let you know if you have very high money say 1 crore to invest than they come into picture.They do give some guarantee but what i heard s far in some cases 1 crore invested remain as 65 lakhs and when in goes to 40 lakhs people cry about their service.I am not talking about roadside but biggies like sharekhan,motilal etc.

Ill say manage your stuff yourself.If you cant check than its better avoid equities stick with MF.Even that too not okk than buy gold or keep investing and reinvesting in fds.If you want get help of financial planner but avoid this PMS or assured return guarntee stuff.You wont see any growth in first 4-5 years.You will see erosion and if luck runs your way than you might get the return.
I think the only guarantee you can get is that the money is not going to be the same that you put in, i.e it can make a loss or gain, but to guess which one of this is going to be is like picking Indian cricket team to win world cup or even for any tournament because just when you think they are going to win, they will lose and will lose like this is going to be the last game they are going to play.

if you want guaranteed returns then why do you want to go to Investment Managers / financial ADvisors?? the only Guarantee they will give is the percent of money they will charge, whether you make money or lose money, they will get "Guaranteed Returns" from you.

Better go to FD or corporate FD for "Guaranteed Returns".
I used one service sometime back

quite happy

no time now so stopped

Pm me if you want to know their website

I take no responsiblity of there calls your wish

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

And 5 lakh is minimun for PMS by all good brokers like SK , Religare

Had searched for same some time back

But have no feedback of the performance
I just want to clear the doubt about gold as "total safe" investment, first its not at all investment, Gold is something which does not produce anything on its own , or generates any thing, i.e its just an object and for which you hope that some other will pay higher amount then what you bought for. Its pure trading and speculation.

People cant eat gold, they cant drink gold, they cant use the gold to produce more gold, Gold cant be used to develop machines, Gold can be Just and just used to wear or keep in a locker , and does nothing else, Like Warren Buffet says " Gold is the most traded and wildly speculated instrument, Some guy Dig the ground and mines to take out Gold and then melt it and then again Dig a hole and then keeps few people to protect it, It goes from where it came from, just location got changed, If people from Mars would be watching this , then they would be scratching their head."

So, Gold is nothing but TRADING AND SPECULATION, It cant be used to produce any other thing, so PLEASE PLEASE try to understand that you TOTALLY depend on some other person to pay you more money then for what you bought.


Guys, I do understand most of these things :) Like I said, I am a trader, but rarely get the time now to do so. That was the reason I was looking for external help. I do agree though that our money is usually best managed by us, probably because we know how hard it is to get in the first place.

@kuduku, PMing you :) After the Touchpad debacle, some things need attention :P
People here who say gold is safe know jack about it. It is a bubble which is being created. People have even started exiting from it. Investing in gold at current pricepoint might be foolishness.

Anyway gold is used to hedge your risk against $ volatility. So Gold rose sharply in recent past due to increased $ volatility + other reasons. Also since rupee is at 12month low currently, the landing price of gold is increased (for a fixed $ value, you have to pay more Rupee to buy a fixed amount of gold). The advised maximum that should be invested in gold should not exceed 10% of your total invested amount.

Anyway if you do wanna look for it, lots of new players are entering the market. SBI Gets (ETF), SBI Gold fund, etc are major options.
But , how is trading in gold, named as Investments??? How can the term investment be given to something that all are trading and speculating???
vahss_11 said:
People cant eat gold, they cant drink gold, they cant use the gold to produce more gold, Gold cant be used to develop machines, Gold can be Just and just used to wear or keep in a locker , and does nothing else


uhh, doesn't the same logic hold for equity, derivatives etc.
We didn't meant to put all his money into gold,No way it should cross 20% of investment money.Keeping the bubble story aside if person invest once and he sees 15-20% return and than coming out is not bad decision.Hence i suggests financial planner as we don't know what his status and requirement in life.

If money is in hand and the person doesn't know what to do,its better to invest in fds and gold for short time until he comes up with plan.At least we all know no way in near inflation will correct nor will us economy.Its really wrong to predict gold bubble to burst at this moment on contrary returns are more positive or higher.Once dollar starts improving than its time to fear.

From the past 11 years everyday bubble story is coming out but has gold fallen to 12000 Rs(10 gram) in 10-15 years once.
Gold has been on a long bull run, because it was in a very long bear market. Where did it go for the 20-30 years before that?

Gold is a hedge against catastrophe. Always is, always has been - which is why we Indians invested in Gold for generations. In our generation, this is the time of chaos, confusion and lack of direction in the financial sphere. So, yes! Gold will go up, but for how long and to what extent is a big question. As for bubbles, one never knows a bubble until it is burst. Nobody knows when, how or at which price a bubble would burst. People predicting a "bubble" can be wrong for years and a few hundred % points before they are proved "right". Has always worked that way. So, always ride a "up, up and away" ride carefully - have learned it the hard way.

I have a fair share of returns in Gold (not just 20%), but I have a bad feeling about where it's headed next. Equities on the other hand, despite appearing bottomless right now, attract me very much. But then, I am looking at a long term (which for me is at least 5 years) and won't mind a turbulent few weeks or even a couple of years. The worst they get hit, the merrier - as long as I have surplus to invest and I don't make stupid mistakes while investing.
Sorry about 12000 figure in past 10-15 years.I just came to know in 2007 i bought 10 grams for 11000.Lolz.

One should see percentage wise.
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