As pet the title, what are the best ways parents can start investing money for their children esp. daughters.
The earlier one starts, greater the benefits/maturity amount etc.
Looking for something where the amount matures by the age of 18 or 21 and then the same can be used for the usual life purposes- education, professional, marriage etc.
Even great if premature withdrawals are allowed.
I know there's this Sukanya samriddhi yojana but I'm exploring more options.
So, guys suggest the one you are investing into rather than googled options as anyone can google and find plethora of options but specifically looking for where someone is already investing in real life for the betterment of their daughters.
The earlier one starts, greater the benefits/maturity amount etc.
Looking for something where the amount matures by the age of 18 or 21 and then the same can be used for the usual life purposes- education, professional, marriage etc.
Even great if premature withdrawals are allowed.
I know there's this Sukanya samriddhi yojana but I'm exploring more options.
So, guys suggest the one you are investing into rather than googled options as anyone can google and find plethora of options but specifically looking for where someone is already investing in real life for the betterment of their daughters.
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