I think you seriously need a realty check. While I would like to ignore posts like your own, I think I shouldn't...
tracerbullet said:
All I'm saying is 1) stop crying over features that have already been fixed. It just makes your argument lame and make you come across more as a hateboy than anything else. 2) You also need to understand that your perspective as a developer is very different from that of a consumer. There's no doubt about it. You might rave about Symbian, how theoretically good it is blah blah blah but the consumer needs to find this out for themself, software potential and implementation are wholly different and exclusive of each other.
Who's crying? I am not crying. its people like yourself who seem to be crying when I pointed out some obvious facts. I talked about copy paste being missing, its unlocked now, but it doesn't change the fact that it was missing for two years when Symbian had it. Isn't that a fact? I stated a fact and you cried that I should not bother taking about a feature that is not so important to YOU. And Yeah, I can look at things from multiple perspectives. Not just a developers, and that's why I can appreciate Apple as a great business while I will most probably not buy any of their technologically inferior and poor quality products except maybe for a few that are not so. I do understand the kind of market Apple caters to. Even as a consumer, my view of iPhone does not not change. As a matter of fact, You are yourself stereotyping all consumers into one group which is not the case. Not everyone is after an easy to use UI or one app at a time system. Every one has their preferences.
tracerbullet said:
3) I also think you suffer from a persecution complex. No one's gunning for you on this thread. It's not "iPhone vs Symbian" as you're making it out to be. I offered my thoughts on how Symbian is failing and other platforms are gaining ground. It doesn't have anything to do with me or Smoky being an iPhone user. The statistics are out there for the world to see. In fact, I only have praises for Android at this point. The only thing that's keeping me to my iPhone are the apps. I don't think any other mobile app store will come close to the App Store for a while - a year possibly, if not longer. You as a developer ought to know that better than me.
Yes this was not a iPhone vs Symbian thread, then the first iPhone user who visited the thread left a comment that its a pointless thread (post was deleted) and then another wanted to discuss how Nokia and symbain is crap and it should not be compared to iOS. Did I object to that? When you offered your thoughts on symbian, I offered my own. As you said the statistics are the proof by themselves and they show that symbian still retains a majority of the market and while the market share has decreased slightly, the vol of sales for symbian has in fact increased during the last year. I even posted a link showing those statistics in another thread.
tracerbullet said:
Last, I take open offence to this statement of yours as it implies that others do not see tech products for what they are. Please avoid the arrogant and pseudo-superior stand. You see tech products from your perspective. Probably a very limited, pro-Symbian and paisa-vasool perspective at that, from what I've managed to eke off your posts. I'm not interested in continuing this discussion unless you shed the airs you have about yourself.
Did I say anything about you? Did I say anything about anyone else. I am talking about myself. Yes, As a matter of fact, I see a lot of people who don't see products for what they are and its not limited to Apple consumers either. If you need a realty check, take a look around gsmarena and for that matter of fact any tech discussion portal/forum. I see tech products from a neutral view. I am not taken in by hype. I give credit to company where they deserve it. If I say that symbian is superior in many ways, I also accepted it lacks in UI and also said that technical superiority does not always win the market. If I have said something negative about apple, there are also many threads where I defended apple and their business model. I don't see where arrogance comes into the picture. Its you wants to stereo type me as a arrogant pro-symbian and narrow minded just because I don't agree with your point of view.
tracerbullet said:
I'm surprised no one else managed to notice this garbage you wrote. Americans buy a lot of junk and so do a few americanised Indians?? This coming from a "Lord Nemesis" sitting in Mohali? Seriously, get off your high horse. You may be in denial about it, but you spike lots of your posts with camouflaged flame baits and then you complain when other members retort back.
Did you bother to check the post for which it was a reply to. I guess you conveniently ignored that. The guy says that Indians buy a lot of junk. So I corrected him. Isn't it true that Americans buy a lot of junk. Most Indians cannot afford to do that. Yes, a few with money to burn can. but not most people. As far I am concerned, its a trend I have observed personally and I stated that. Don't see how or why its a flame bait?
tracerbullet said:
You started this thread about the iPhone and you progressed it into Android fragmentation and how Symbian is better. Here's another gem taken from one of your posts:
Kindly bother to read my initial post, This thread was not just for info, I already mentioned there that this link proves that not having fragmentation is not an advantage by a long shot. When someone wanted to discuss how symbian/Nokia phones are crap, I replied to him.
tracerbullet said:
Every post of yours is masked with flame baits. It's downright ridiculous.
No they were not intended as flame baits, they were retorts (to flame baits if judged by your own standard) based on truth/observations of my own. I guess its a matter of how you want to see it.
Some times I kind of feel pity for people who are brainwashed to such an extent that they turn into Apple controlled Internet bots.
That comment was reply to a post that has been deleted. It was really the kind of standard Internet bot like posts made by Apple fanboi's on most forums/portals I frequent. Hence my comment. I don't regret it, not one bit.
Most iPhone users are not geeks and quite often very ill informed about technology.
Did I ever mention 'All', I did use the word 'Most' right?. It was a personal observation of mine and I stand by it. If you want a realty check, go checkout gsmarena or any other site frequented by iPhone users. Check the quality/know how in comments made by a majority of iPhone users. There was this guy who claimed that Apple invented touch screens and everyone else copied. When someone showed him that Apple did not invent touch screens nor even multi-touch, His reaction was to immediately conclude that the guy's momma must be a whore in a third world country and the guy does not know anything and he knows better. That's the quality of comments I see from iphone users, can you blame me for my inference. If you want to say that majority of iPhone users do not even visit technology sites, then that in it self a proof of what I said.
The bottom line is that I am fed up with people like your self. I think people like you take it as a personal assault from the start when ever someone criticizes/says anything remotely negative about your favorite platform/company. Even more so if that thread has anything to do with Apple. I have seen MS fans/Sony fans fight silly, but say something about apple or their products and all hell breaks loose. Its alright to defend your choices with facts/alternative personal views, even retorts, you don't have to get personal over it. Even in course of discussions, If I comment anything about iPhone users as a collective based on my own observations, I use terms like 'Most iPhone users' or Fanbois which means that I leave room for exceptions (because I know there are exceptions), why don't you see it fit to consider your self an exception if the comment does not apply to you. But no, you see yourself fitting that group that the comment was targeted at. On the other hand you see it fit to point to an individual and call him arrogant, hater and what ever you please to call. So go ahead, I am not bothered. Yeah I may really be arrogant as you say, what can I say, Its hereditary trait :ashamed:, but I am not an Apple hater. If I am a hater, I would hate every product/aspect and the company itself. I wouldn't be working with my company on Apple platforms every day nor acknowledge/admire certain products/aspects of the company.
iGO: people are not stereotyped as fanboi's on a whim by other people. Its how they behave that gets them classified as fanboi's. You are yourself pro apple product/tech guy and we both had our share of conflict of views and discussions, but you always defended your views in a sane manner, did I ever call you a fanboi? Despite conflict in views, I respect you even if I don't always agree with your views.
As for your point about people calling platforms trash, isn't that what smoky had to say about Symbian because it didn't fit his priorities? You have to understand that it goes both ways. If there are people who find symbian trash, there would be people who find iOS, Android or Win Mobile trash. What people find useless to them is trash to them. It may not be trash to other people. You throw away a lot of stuff as trash every days. A trash collector views the same stuff as if its a gold mine.
Mods: Please close this thread. I intended this thread to serve as proof that fragmentation is a trivial issue for mobile platforms in light of hardware inflexibility (since the topic was in discussion here and some other places I visited) and for any discussion related to the same. Instead it has turned into a war zone and at the end its not even pertaining to the topic in question. I can see that just like most other places, no sane discussion can be had here about any aspect that remotely or even indirectly shows Apple products/technology in a negative light.