Guys, I just had the idea of playing mobile online multiplayer games to fellow members 
As an initiation I propose Shadowgun Deadzone as it is cross platform and plays well on vareity of hardware and is small in size. We can form teams and also play individual death matches. Interested people can drop their game loft nicknames here. Also you can suggest other such games and I will keep updating the thread. Time to put all that power in your phone and tablet to some use
Shadowgun: Deadzone :

As an initiation I propose Shadowgun Deadzone as it is cross platform and plays well on vareity of hardware and is small in size. We can form teams and also play individual death matches. Interested people can drop their game loft nicknames here. Also you can suggest other such games and I will keep updating the thread. Time to put all that power in your phone and tablet to some use

Shadowgun: Deadzone :