iPAD 2 Accessories

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745, hmm quite costly. Which company is it which gives front & back too ?


Its good but dont cover front of iPAD.


Welcome to the gang bro

I kind of liked http://www.amazon.com/Cooler-Master...ics&amp;ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1336164342&amp;sr=1-1

Cooler master but quite costly.
I checked out around 10 screen guards & 20 casings. Here is the final list


341 Rs - http://www.indiaplaza.com/amzer-ant...h-for-apple-ipad-2-pc-pcs12012012amz02-10.htm

Preferred as it claims to be fingerprint proof.

I have plan to take it, Anyone plans to purchase this ?

Casing, - hmmm this was a tough one, checked almost all items on amazon & other sites.

Finally liked this one-



Price - just 20 USD

Advantage - Front looks like apple cover protects screen & back is tough one with very good look.

Only problem is how to order from amazon.com with Indian credit card & get in India after all custom clear thing. Any help ?

For Marware-MicroShell-Folio-Black

Have a look here for clear pics



Looks very good, impact proof, professional & comes in decent color. (No yellow, reds)

I have like 99 % plan to take this, any one like to join & have bulk order ?

I am not big fan of Apple cover, No doubt it looks good but few reasons - It will not protect back of iPAD & Side which sticks to iPAD (due to magnet) comes out if you happen to stretch a bit. Check few youtube videos you will know what i mean. Magnet cant hold much.

Better I would prefer something like Marware-MicroShell-Folio-Black, It covers front & back, gives fall protection, front cover can be adjusted in all angles like Original apple cover.

I am ordering it soon, Just checking various sources from India & abroad.

Marware-MicroShell-Folio-Black is around 3500 Rs in India, but same is around 1000 Rs in US. Interested ?
I ordered for these two already

Belkin Snap shield (for back) ~ 800

A. Smart cover (for front) ~ 1000

Only a screen guard is pending still.

I am not actually a big fan of book like folio covers which have both front and back. Hence ditched the CM Folio case which looked good.

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