Source: iPad 2 Jailbreak Coming Tonight at 6:17:11 PM, Claims @Comex Follower - Softpedia
A person tracking Comex (a member of the iPhone Dev Team) on Twitter claims to have spotted an accidental tweet from the renowned iOS hacker bearing evidence of an impending iPad 2 jailbreak.
Currently the only remaining device that resists existing jailbreak tools, the iPad 2 could well be used as the toughest nut to crack in hacking competitions.
However, according to recent posts by the iPhone Dev Team, development in this respect is coming along nicely.
In fact, it appears it’s coming along so nicely that member Comex accidentally leaked their plans to roll out the necessary tools tonight.
According to Nexus404, the image above appeared on @Comex’s Twitter feed last night, then quickly disappeared.
Fruity, an ifans forum poster claims to have spotted the post just in the neck of time and, moreover, was even able to grab a screenshot after it had been removed, as he had allegedly opened the image in a new tab in his browser.
His story, more or less convincing, follows below:
"I was on comex’s Twitter about an hour ago when he posted a single image link. I was surprised to see it was what appears to be a flyer for his new jailbreak? When I reloaded the Twitter page it was gone completely. I still had the image in another tab, though, so I saved it to my computer. Perhaps this wasn’t intended to get out yet or maybe there was a delay? I don’t know, I’m just looking at the image unsure if he’s really intending to release it tomorrow or not. This is certainly weird."
As far as iPad 2 jailbreaks are concerned, we wouldn’t put too much faith in anyone’s claims but the iPhone Dev Team’s.
Besides Comex, Musclenerd (the most vocal of the hackers burning the midnight oil for the iOS community) is perhaps the second safest bet for announcements regarding an iPad 2 jailbreak. Better keep a close eye on his feed as well.