iPad 2 Wifi or 3G

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Hello! I intend to buy a iPad 2 soon i.e by end of this month.

I was confused whether to go for the plain wifi version or with the 3G one.

As in is it worth the extra money for 3G here in India, I am from mumbai so how is the 3G network going, also are the data plans affordable.

Anybody with experiences do let me know.
@Metalspree I do travel a lot, to office though. Would not be able to use it in office but would use it while traveling. Currently I have the iPod touch and I do feel constrained with no network on the go.

@kippu, anything around 500rs for a month would be ok for me.

The thing is, is the 3G network any good here in India I dont want to spend extra and end up wasting that money if the 3G aint any good here.
Public transport in Mumbai is not an ideal place to be carrying a high end portable device. You are better off sticking to the iPod for that.

If you would be restricting your iPad use to only the home, then WiFi alone would suffice. If you really need mobile connectivity then MTNL 3G offers good affordable plans. In fact most operators offer decent plans in low data usage bracket.

For example, I recharge my MTNL (Delhi) 3G plan for Rs 250/- per month and get 500MB data. That much is more than sufficient for a month's worth of surfing, forums, google news feed (with images and videos) and occasional youtube. I still have about 20-30MB data left over every month after heavy usage.

In context, unless you plan on streaming movies that much data should be sufficient.

Check out the plans by various operators and take your pick as most of them offer 500MB data at affordable rates.
Thanks pheonix, No I wouldn't be streaming videos but if feasible I would want to use this as a net book so thought of going in for 3G.

Also anybody any experiences with the 3G coverage in Mumbai.
i used mtnl 3g extensively over last 5-6 months or so.

speed is definitely their.

i would recommend them.

get i pad 3g
netarchie said:
Or you can get the Ipad wifi and use your mobile as a hotspot!
I was infact checking that out, how do you do it ? As far as I know the iPhone 4 can do this. What about others like can you do it with a symbian phone.
techno_funky said:
I was infact checking that out, how do you do it ? As far as I know the iPhone 4 can do this. What about others like can you do it with a symbian phone.
Its also possible in android though its a battery guzzler. Battery goes down at twice the speed and android is already known for high battery consumption..
Android/Symbian both can act as wifi hotspot, Symbian needs Joikuspot or similar for the functionality, android has built in.

yes! battery can be issue if used for prolonged time, else its fine. I use my e90 as a hotspot for a friends Ipad wifi.
Ok well, used joikusoft on my Nokia E71 with Vodafone 3G and connected my iPod Touch 4g. It worked wonders such that I am now thinking of going in for a plain Wifi one and spending that extra money on a higher capacity iPad. :)

Also @pratikb, no idea about the E90 but my E71 did get hot when I was using joikusoft.
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