iPad/ Apple A4 Benchmarks

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Lord Nemesis

Since I didn't see any iPad Benchmarks posted on the forums, here goes...

furbo.org Benchmarking in your lap

Apple's iPad A4 SoC: Faster than the Nexus One's Snapdragon? - AnandTech :: Your Source for Hardware Analysis and News

Looks like the supposedly 'Blazing fast' iPad CPU (Apple A4) is all of 1.8~2 times faster than than the iPhone 3GS and about 1.3 times faster than the Snapdragon.

Well that at least puts an end to the wild claims made by many ignorant Apple fanboi's on various forums that the 'fully inhouse developed' Apple A4 (Apple designed only the SoC and they had to buy out another company to get that done and the SoC itself is made around the well known ARM Cortex) is going to be an Intel Atom killer. While many tech folk understood from day 1 that A4 would be a spin off of something like the Snapdragon or nVidia Tegra and based around the ARM Cortex, there are many Apple fans who assumed something on the lines of the full fledged x86 CPU like the Atom. Some even claimed that it would kill Atom in terms of performance. :P

Well A4 looks like a great Mobile SoC and best used in cell phones/PMPs which I guess Apple is going to with their next iPhone/iPod Touch.
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