Ipad2 vs. Asus transformer [Which one is closer to a laptop]

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Okay, so I have to buy a tablet in a couple of days. I could not find an Asus transformer anywhere in Pune, so am thinking about the ipad2 too. I have a Dell laptop that I have sold to my friend, so that I could buy a tab. 1st preference Asus transformer hands down, but am also thinking about iPad2 too. Lets see.

Please remember if Ipad 2 can do 1,2,3,5 with jailbreaking, I'll happily go and buy it.... (ill miss widgets, but what the heck.....)

While answering, please replace "it" by ipad2, transformer, or both

1) Can it be used to video chat with my friends who have windows machine...

2) Can I download multiple torrents directly on the device?

3) Can I watch my videos without converting... So, if I just want to copy my videos from my PC (various formats--- avi, mkv, etc.) to the tab, will I be able to play them ?

4) Which platform has better FREE games? iOS or Android...

5) Can I access the files on my Windows PC over WIFI (such as homegroup kind of setting)?

6) Can ipad2 do flash after jailbreaking?

I really dont mind jailbreaking/rooting. In fact, I believe that I will have to do it, so that is not a problem for me.

List of Pros and cons of ipad2 and transformer

1) Open source.... Android +1, Apple 0

2) Expansion slot Android (transformer) +1, Apple 0

3) Price of accessories Android +1, Apple--- well. 0.5

4) iTune........ Android 0, Apple +1 .... not really a big deal for me, but still.... I love iTunes....lol... oh, BTW, do we have anything similar on Android

Also, does jailbreaking and iPad2 makes it more or less open source (read, can I install apps from other that apple's app store? I am guessing yes, but ill wait for you guys to respond)

If iPad2 can do 1,2,3, and 5, I will get it today evening... (this thing is available even at a tapri near me.....lol)........So, please reply.... Also, you guys can also add your own thoughts, questions, answers, whatever to this discussion......... i just dont want to mess up when spending about 37K on a tab+cover....
atiamd said:
Okay, so I have to buy a tablet in a couple of days. I could not find an Asus transformer anywhere in Pune, so am thinking about the ipad2 too. I have a Dell laptop that I have sold to my friend, so that I could buy a tab. 1st preference Asus transformer hands down, but am also thinking about iPad2 too. Lets see.

Please remember if Ipad 2 can do 1,2,3,5 with jailbreaking, I'll happily go and buy it.... (ill miss widgets, but what the heck.....)

While answering, please replace "it" by ipad2, transformer, or both

1) Can it be used to video chat with my friends who have windows machine...

2) Can I download multiple torrents directly on the device?

3) Can I watch my videos without converting... So, if I just want to copy my videos from my PC (various formats--- avi, mkv, etc.) to the tab, will I be able to play them ?

4) Which platform has better FREE games? iOS or Android...

5) Can I access the files on my Windows PC over WIFI (such as homegroup kind of setting)?

6) Can ipad2 do flash after jailbreaking?

I really dont mind jailbreaking/rooting. In fact, I believe that I will have to do it, so that is not a problem for me.

List of Pros and cons of ipad2 and transformer

1) Open source.... Android +1, Apple 0

2) Expansion slot Android (transformer) +1, Apple 0

3) Price of accessories Android +1, Apple--- well. 0.5

4) iTune........ Android 0, Apple +1 .... not really a big deal for me, but still.... I love iTunes....lol... oh, BTW, do we have anything similar on Android

Also, does jailbreaking and iPad2 makes it more or less open source (read, can I install apps from other that apple's app store? I am guessing yes, but ill wait for you guys to respond)

If iPad2 can do 1,2,3, and 5, I will get it today evening... (this thing is available even at a tapri near me.....lol)........So, please reply.... Also, you guys can also add your own thoughts, questions, answers, whatever to this discussion......... i just dont want to mess up when spending about 37K on a tab+cover....
1- yes,skype,fringe,yahoo messenger

2- yes.check the guides for it

3- yes vlc player,oplayer and many more

4- iOS .android doesn't even come

Close.after jailbreaking everything is free

5-yes.air video for multimedia and screens for other files.

6- yes.many apps which open flash sites.you can download them from cydia.

Cannot say much about the transformer since I haven't used it.

Btw mate I feel your needs are more accustomed to a ultraportable notebook.just my opinion,will recommend you tocheck a MacBook air
Hey thanks for replying..... Dude, I already had the Dell m101z... but I dont want to have a laptop anymore.... Want a tab now.....

And, I assume all your answers were for the ipad2, correct? I did not even know that iPad2 can have yahoo messenger and fringe, which is gonna be awesome... So video chatting can be done on ipad2.... great....

I have been googling after creating this thread... Can you delete/update the files already copied to the ipad2 without connecting it to the computer (aka using itunes)?? Again, if it can done only after jailbreaking, its fine with me..........
Okay, ordered an asus transformer thru ebay... The seller was here based in Pune, so he was nice enough to send it to me directly... (without ebay ccharges + shipping), so I saved more than 2K on the final price....... It should be here anytime soon......... Thank you for/ the replies vantheman.......
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