iPhodroid - did anyone try this out on the 3G/2G yet?

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Did anyone try out the Android on the iPhone 2G/3G? Could you please post your impressions, in case you have. TIA. :)

Link - IPHODROID Download and Install - iPhone with Android

I believe R13k is the most recent version released so far. I don't really mind trying it out but I want at least the basic functionalities to be working without issues. Besides, my 3G was unlocked using Blackrain. In order to use iPhodroid using Windows, it requires the phone to be unlocked with RedSn0w.
^ That seems to be the general notion... I might give it a whirl once I get new iPhone, till then I don't have heart to play with my iPhone 2G. :)
Thanks for the input. Guess I shall give this a pass for a while. :)

Sergio McFly, one of the developers pointed me to a link which shows the functionality of the iDroid with several phones - Status - iDroidWiki
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