[Iphone 3G] vs. [HTC Pro2] vs. [HTC Hero] vs. [HTC HD].. which to buy?

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Hi friends,

the smartphones are getting better and the competion is tough...

i have shortlisted these phones :-

  • [*]Iphone 3G 16GB

    [*]HTC Hero

    [*]HTC Pro 2

    [*]HTC HD

my requirements - a large clear screen with good interface .. some internet.. some media................

the iphone is at my top list..... followed by HD.

the OS on these phones are : Apple OS 3.1.2 , Android 1.5, WinMobile 6.1 rest.
Or my other plan :

HTC phone + Ipod Touch 64 GB......:cool2:

So much confusion.:no:... pls give ur inputs.
I have a hero, and it certainly stands out from the crowd. Android is fresh and exciting and fun to use. Iphone is quite common, and I'm not a fan of winmo. Would hate to see a start button on my phone as well :P
zhopudey said:
i have a hero, and it certainly stands out from the crowd. Android is fresh and exciting and fun to use. Iphone is quite common, and i'm not a fan of winmo. Would hate to see a start button on my phone as well :p

i have iphone 3G/8GB :ohyeah:, but HTC Hero :hap2:
+ 1 for iphone..Things which you can do with iphone is amazing..I have iphone 3GS 16gb..amazingly fast awsome video recorder and compass..all in all iphone without doubt..
cbotadra said:
+ 1 for iphone..Things which you can do with iphone is amazing...

Actually, one can do much more with a Winmo :cool2:.

Judging from the OP's requirements, iPhone is the best bet. Fully functioning multimedia/ internet out of the box. The Winmos and androids are for ppl who like to tinker around.
Go for the HTC Hero. I think I am the only one telling you to go for the Hero. LOL

But if its aesthetics you are after, then nothing beats iPhone. Or iPod Touch ;)
gizmoholic said:
Why haven't you considered Omnia HD?

+1 to Omnia HD.

m using it and believe me. The phone rocks. HD crisp diplay on a 3.7" screen looks tempting. Battery Backup is much more than one can expect froma multimedia phone.
touch hd is crap when compared to hd2. iphone 3g is alright when compared to 3gs. id go for the lesser of the 2 evils....

plus u need to use hero n iphone together to find out which one u want. i tried them both. chose 3gs...

camera is still ok thoh, ntn great. if you need sharper clearer n more saturated pics, get a digi cam. but then i dont think anyone uses the cam much, besides girls maybe. they have a certain fascination with clickin pics...
No confusion at all. iPhone was standing tall. Still standing tall and will be standing tall. So go for it. It's best all-rounder.:ohyeah:
Since you seem like a media consumer rather than a media creator, I'd advise you to go for the iPhone. The Hero, HD and TouchPro2 are class leading devices and I'd be the first one to advocate the use of these phones but unfortunately, all 3 cater to a different kind of consumer and you don't seem to be a good fit for either of them.
It's between the iPhone and the HTC Hero, although i'd go for the iPhone since it's already established with a great app store, however potentially the Android 2.1 based phones should be as good.
if you are full proof multimedia person go for run of the mill iphone, bum imho its too common now a days.

but if you are geek who loves to experiment with your gadgets than HTC Hero is the way to go. Its unique, wonderfull, fun to play with.

I am using earlier incarnation of hero HTC DREAM and I love it. :D

go for the HERO.
apple apple apple!!!!!!! :ohyeah:

jst cant get my hands off from dat one...

me too usin 2g 8gb :hap2:

plannin to upgrade to 3GS soon :ohyeah:
M jus too eaten up n engrossed by 2G 8GB n will upgrade to 3GS as soon as i'm able to get in some moolah !
heh.. even i m gonna state the obvious here,, if u want great internet/multimedia exp right out of the box.. GO FOR THE IPHONE, it would be great,, but for geeks like us who like to hack and load all sorts of cooked up roms.. nothing can beat the winmo devices.. and if i am lucky i might get the HTC's HD2 in my hands soon :D
Wao...I am totally astounded . No one is talking about the Motorola Droid . Running on Android OS 2.0 with the hardware specs similar to Palm Pre and IP 3Gs
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