iPhone 4 32GB Factory Unlocked @ 42K Good Deal ?

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I am getting an iPhone 4 32GB factory unlocked at 42K locally in mumbai, its sealed pack and so is the price okay ? or what prices they are selling for elsewhere ?
Fair price. Try and bargain a bit. If buying from HP, try a few dealers to confirm the current market price and decide accordingly.
rajshah said:
Fair price. Try and bargain a bit. If buying from HP, try a few dealers to confirm the current market price and decide accordingly.
No , not buying from HP, their prices are ridiculously high 45~48 ! So compared to that 42 K sealed pack deal is way better. Plus the seller has agreed to confirm whether its a FU or not, by opening the package and updating via itunes etc.
U getting a 32gb for a price of 16gb,recently since diwali 16gb was 37500 and 32gb was 42500,since the boom and current market price 16gb is for 40k and 32gb is for 46500
I guess its a good deal,go ahead
I got a locked 4.1 iphone 4 16gb for 28k..
ripesoul said:
@ahd can you share the seller details?
No dude , the dealer had some sort of miscommunication from the person he was getting Iphone 4, and it turns out that it was a Software unlocked one, but a 16GB Factory Unlocked is also available for 38K with him , incase you are interested in the price let me know.
teche said:
How much do iPhone 3gs & 4G cost in US? Im keen on the 8GB models.
US don't sell FU phones so you need to get it from some other mobile/gadget shops.

--- Updated Post - Automerged ---

I got my iPhone 4 32GB FU last saturday for Rs. 44K , with SIM cutter and holder and also asked the shop seller to activate the phone in front of me to make sure its a genuinely FU piece.
@Xotiq .. Awesome deal if put up in context of current market prices :) You might wanna ask the person where he/she got it from ?
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