iPhone 4 Glass – Will it break?

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smoky004 said:
Okay here's somethin that will cheer up anti-apple fanboi's:-

Poll: is your iPhone 4 retina display seeing yellow spots?

Out, damned spot! out, I say! One; two: why, then, 'tis time to do 't. Hell is murky! Fie, my lord, fie! Reports are coming in from some of those lucky early iPhone 4 users that there may exist a not-so-lucky yellow coloration in the bottom right corner of the IPS LCD. We haven't seen this ourselves on any new iPhones, but maybe you've had different experiences. Tell us, is your iPhone 4 seeing yellow?

Poll: is your iPhone 4 retina display seeing yellow spots? -- Engadget
Haha.. The reports keep pouring in :p
stalker said:
Haha.. The reports keep pouring in :p

Well this ain't the first high end phone to have such issues:----

HTC EVO suffering from glass separation issues?

Potential bad news for EVO owners: we're seeing plenty of reports from folks having issues with the lower portions of their screens. Conspiracy theories say that the adhesive holding the glass is failing, causing the screen to peel up a bit and embark on a very slow journey to capacitive independence. This separation is causing excessive light leakage from below, a problem that we noted in our review but apparently gets continually worse as users spend more time massaging their screens -- even those not being as hard on theirs as this guy was. No official response from HTC yet and we're not sure just what a fix could be, but we have seen people do some wonderful things with duct tape.

HTC EVO suffering from glass separation issues? -- Engadget

here's another one :-----

We're not sure if he's doing something particularly weird, like holding the metal antenna in such a way that it's shorting out. But it is strange. Or, it could be just a bug in the software, showing no bars and no reception even when you do have reception. But, he does hold the phone with the glass, and it doesn't have this reception issue.

iPhone 4 Loses Reception When You Hold It By The Antenna Band?

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Update:------- Apple says that this(no bars issue) is a bug it plans to fix, and that it has to do with the way the bars are presented, not the actual ability to make a call. And, in fact, in nearly all of these cases, the iPhone 4 was able to place calls despite the lack of bars."
smoky004 said:

Well this ain't the first high end phone to have such issues:----

HTC EVO suffering from glass separation issues?

Potential bad news for EVO owners: we're seeing plenty of reports from folks having issues with the lower portions of their screens. Conspiracy theories say that the adhesive holding the glass is failing, causing the screen to peel up a bit and embark on a very slow journey to capacitive independence. This separation is causing excessive light leakage from below, a problem that we noted in our review but apparently gets continually worse as users spend more time massaging their screens -- even those not being as hard on theirs as this guy was. No official response from HTC yet and we're not sure just what a fix could be, but we have seen people do some wonderful things with duct tape.

HTC EVO suffering from glass separation issues? -- Engadget

here's another one :-----

We're not sure if he's doing something particularly weird, like holding the metal antenna in such a way that it's shorting out. But it is strange. Or, it could be just a bug in the software, showing no bars and no reception even when you do have reception. But, he does hold the phone with the glass, and it doesn't have this reception issue.

iPhone 4 Loses Reception When You Hold It By The Antenna Band?

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Update:------- Apple says that this(no bars issue) is a bug it plans to fix, and that it has to do with the way the bars are presented, not the actual ability to make a call. And, in fact, in nearly all of these cases, the iPhone 4 was able to place calls despite the lack of bars."
Might as well add the update from engadget to the glass separation issue as well :P

HTC has fix in the works for EVO 4G screen sensitivity; separation problems are minor -- Engadget

The glass separation issues are real, but said to be super minor and have no effect on the usability of the phone apart from a nearly imperceptible "give" to the touch. That said, HTC has made some assembly changes that should reduce or eliminate the problem going forward, and it'll keep an eye on the situation.
stalker said:
Might as well add the update from engadget to the glass separation issue as well :P

HTC has fix in the works for EVO 4G screen sensitivity; separation problems are minor -- Engadget

ya super minor!! that's right!!!! that's what they say when there's no fix!!

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Metalspree said:
@smoky004 are you an apple fanboi why is that all your posts against android and symbian :|
Not an apple fanboi since iphone (and ipods other than shuffle) are the only apple products i like. But ya i do really like the iphone. And really hate symbian/nokia....that's because i have extensively used both these products. Don't hate android just that android fanboi's could be as annoying as apple fanboi's so don't mind poking fun at android once a while just to get the fanbois excited.to be honest i won't mind gettin an android or windows 7 phone in the future if the app store and games they have to offer better that offered by the iphone app store.Apps are really important for me........be it mobile or pc.besides i really like the new iphone......the only thing that will prevent me frm gettin one is if that yellow thingy is present in all iphones and noit just a result of quality control on a "super minor" handsets.

I know exactly what i want and simply go out and get that.Not a fanboi of any company.
Metalspree said:
@smoky004 are you an apple fanboi why is that all your posts against android and symbian :|
thats just to be even.. so that the fight will continue .. :P

We're starting to hear a few reports of the dreaded yellow spots disappearing from the iPhone 4's display after a day or so of use. Interestingly, someone posting on the AppleInsider forums seems to know why:

Apple is using a bonding agent called Organofunctional Silane Z-6011 to bond the layers of glass. Apparently, Apple (or more likely Foxconn) is shipping these products so quickly that the evaporation process is not complete. However, after one or two days of use, especially with the screen on, will complete the evaporation process and the yellow "blotches" will disappear. How do I know? I was involved in pitching Z-6011 to Apple.

iPhone 4's yellow spot issue goes away with a bit of time? -- Engadget

One iPhone 4 demonstrated the issue everytime it was held in our left hand (as a right-handed person is apt to do) so that our palm was essentially bridging the two antennas. You can see that in the video after the break. Bridging the two with a finger tip, however, didn't cause any issues with the reported reception. If we had to guess, we'd say that our conductive skin was acting to detune the antenna -- in fact, we've already managed to slowly kill two calls that way so it's not just an issue with the software erroneously reporting an incorrect signal strength. That said, we had no issues when Apple's $29 rubber bumper accessory (given to us free for standing in line) was attached, creating a buffer between our palm and the antennas. Our second UK-purchased iPhone 4 was fine, showing none of these handling symptoms. See the video evidence after the break including Insanely Great Mac's version which got us to worrying in the first place.

The hell I care if the glass breaks!!! :P

We know for sure that new glass is available..... So, let it break.

No worries!!!
So guys, is it that if the phone falls twice, the phone stops working and 4 times and its gone ;) I guess it doesn't have the strength to handle my anger when i throw my current nokia straight off to the wall ;) And it has survived like atleast 10 such smashes :)

Are the other smartphones also like this. If they fall twice or so they don't work?
^ My 'cheap crap' from Nokia - 5800XM - has survived atleast 10 drops (undeliberate, it just slipped from my butter fingers) and still works. Dents on the body, but fine otherwise.

The logic of high end phones not being for people with explosive temper is pure BS. Higher costs should also account for increased solidity and quality. Accidents do happen, and that shouldn't be a dampener. I am not talking about deliberately attempting to damage the phones.
Well even I have dropped my iPhone on more than a couple occasions but luckily nothing has happened to it yet!!
smoky004 said:
Nobody said it was unbreakable.Do that with other phones and the results will be worse.
Well, the companies that manufacture those 'other phones' did not make over ambitious claims about their build quality and the strength of materials used. Did they? Not only this, but engadet (which is usually considered a Apple biased site) claims that their review unit has got scratched as well. So in the end, what have we got? a material that's 30% stronger than plastic, but still not entirely resistant to scratches and to boot shatters like glass as well.

Yes, you can certainly scratch the iPhone 4 (updated with more photos) -- Engadget

The funny thing is that Apple fans bashed iFixYouri as being an Anti-Apple entity without even thinking for a second that they are in the business of fixing Apple products. They decided to test the material after listening to Jobs keynote and the claims made about the materials durability. If iPhone 4 is fragile, its good for them. They would stock more of those replacement bodies.

smoky004 said:
Ya maybe high end phones are not for people with "explosive temper". They should stick to cheap crap from nokia:P

If you really want to talk about other phones, So far I have personally seen 1 iPhone's and 1 iPod Touch which shattered after falling and 1 iPhone which mysteriously cracked while it was still in my friends pocket, I have also seen a few Samsung and SE phones break or go dead after a fall, but I am yet to see a Nokia phone get damaged from a fall and I have seen more Nokia phones around me than any other phone. Even the touch screen phones like 5800 which I consider to have the poorest build quality among Nokia phones are still pretty resilient compared to most other phones.

If you want to say that iPhone is prone to damage so easily, then its better that Mr. Jobs does not go wild about the build quality and strength of materials.
agantuk said:
^ My 'cheap crap' from Nokia - 5800XM - has survived atleast 10 drops (undeliberate, it just slipped from my butter fingers) and still works. Dents on the body, but fine otherwise.

The logic of high end phones not being for people with explosive temper is pure BS. Higher costs should also account for increased solidity and quality. Accidents do happen, and that shouldn't be a dampener. I am not talking about deliberately attempting to damage the phones.
Even my iphone 3g has survived ard 6-7 drops.Breaking/damage to a phone has nothin to do with no of drops.Whether it breaks or not purely depends on luck, way it falls,etc,etc.A phone may drop several times and still get only minor stretches but a phone of simlar build quality may not survive even a single drop.I am pretty sure iphone 4 is stronger than all the previous iphone and those cheap android phones made by htc and others. Only idiots come to the conclusion that iphone will be fine after one drop, stop working after two and vbreak after four.Sometimes it may break after one fall , sometimes it may even survive 20........bottom if you buy an expensive phone and want peace of mind , then go buy a case.......unless you are medvedev and can afford another one after the first one breaks!! the only ones that do not break are the butt ugly ones like samsung marine.

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agantuk said:
^ My 'cheap crap' from Nokia - 5800XM - has survived atleast 10 drops (undeliberate, it just slipped from my butter fingers) and still works. Dents on the body, but fine otherwise.

The logic of high end phones not being for people with explosive temper is pure BS. Higher costs should also account for increased solidity and quality. Accidents do happen, and that shouldn't be a dampener. I am not talking about deliberately attempting to damage the phones.
Even my iphone 3g has survived ard 6-7 drops.Breaking/damage to a phone has nothin to do with no of drops.Whether it breaks or not purely depends on luck, way it falls,etc,etc.A phone may drop several times and still get only minor stretches but a phone of simlar build quality may not survive even a single drop.I am pretty sure iphone 4 is stronger than all the previous iphone and those cheap android phones made by htc and others. Only idiots come to the conclusion that iphone will be fine after one drop, stop working after two and vbreak after four.Sometimes it may break after one fall , sometimes it may even survive 20........bottom if you buy an expensive phone and want peace of mind , then go buy a case.......unless you are medvedev and can afford another one after the first one breaks!! the only ones that do not break are the butt ugly ones like samsung marine.

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Lord Nemesis said:
If you really want to talk about other phones, So far I have personally seen 1 iPhone's and 1 iPod Touch which shattered after falling and 1 iPhone which mysteriously cracked while it was still in my friends pocket, I have also seen a few Samsung and SE phones break or go dead after a fall, but I am yet to see a Nokia phone get damaged from a fall...

So the moral of the story is those phones that one holds dear and doesn't want to see get damaged do get damaged but on the other hand those butt ugly crapia devices running symbian poop don't get damaged even when you want them to!!( why?---- so that you can throw them in the bin and get a new amazing android/iphone!) I smell a conspiracy by god here:P:P:P:P

Honestly steve never said it was unbreakable.All he said was that it was made of glass stronger than 30 times ? compared to plastic? which appears to be true.So if some fanboi misread it why blame him?? you can blame him for the reception issues not for this!
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