iOS iPhone 4 Lock

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So, my brother's gf put a lock code on his mobile just to tease him a bit but now she doesn't remember the code lol. Anyways, I thought may be restore will help. Tried but itunes is saying restore and update to 7.0.2 , I don't want to do that as iOS7 gives too much lag on iPhone 4.

I want to restore it to 6.1.3 ( 6.0.3 or whatever it is ) or just remove the lock if it's possible without a restore.

But the thing is, apple has stopped signing the signature for 6.xx version so I'm getting error, I thought may be it's because of itunes, so I updated the itunes and now it is saying update to 7.0.2

So what to do now? Also, anyone know where itunes store the .ipsw file on C:/ drive ? He (my brother) doesn't want to download the whole thing again and again.

any help please? Not good with iOS. Told him to move to android but he is one of those guys who wants to show off , so can't help him there.

From what i know, you cannot go from 6.1.3 to 6.1.3 (yes same version) but if the 5.1.1 blobs were saved, then one can go to that 5.1.1 iOS version. Else you will have to go to 7.0.2 only and that is the only option.
From what i know there is no "jugaad" way to bypass the pass code on the iPhone.
Search more on this before going for restore.
@rakrules actually I have tried this many times in the past where I have testing the iOS7 beta multiple times... I was at version 6.1.3 and went to 7.0beta 3,4,5,6 and got back to 6.1.3 via .ipsw file. Now the thing is it is giving me an error as apple has stopped signing that version. What to do then? my bro don't want the ios 7:|
Last time since Apple was still signing 6.1.3 you could restore but now it is not possible. So only option is going to 7.0.2
wow ... smd apple.

You did not know that ? This iOS version restriction. This has been known since the iPhone was introduced so nothing new about that.
Only in some devices and older iOS versions you can go back even when apple is not signing the version.
I recently restored an iPhone 4 from iOS 5.1.1 to iOS 5.1.1
You did not know that ? This iOS version restriction. This has been known since the iPhone was introduced so nothing new about that.
Only in some devices and older iOS versions you can go back even when apple is not signing the version.
I recently restored an iPhone 4 from iOS 5.1.1 to iOS 5.1.1

As I said on my first post, not good with iPhones.

Also, yes I knew abt the restriction but the newer version didn't used to give lag on phones like 3g/s. I know apple did support to iPhone 4 for iOS7 but it lags.. so giving supports means shit to them anyways. They are probably thinking if someone's phone will hang a little, they will think of upgrading.... lol more like going back to android may be.

Locking iPhone 4 to 7.xx version sucks !
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