iPhone 4s 3G data issue. Please help.

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Hi I was using edge from airtel ( 2gb data plan). Got a call from Airtel cust care that my average data usage doesn't exceed 70 mb per month for past one year and I should try 3G data plan - 200mb per month @99.

I went for this plan and to my horror , got a SMS the following day that I have already used 230 mb in 24 hours. I deactivated the plan immediately.

I keep data on 24/7 along with wifi. My house and office both are wifi and the phone should not charge for 3G while on wifi. I use my phone for emails and very limited browsing. Is it possible that 3G is recording data usage while wifi is active.

What are my options now. Airtel has already charged me nearly 250/- for one day of 3G usage.
Even i've faced similar issue in 4S, Data(2G or 3G doesn't matter here) being used from mobile network, even though its connected to wifi network:( This is not the case with any of my android based phones!
as a temporary solution, dont disable 3G as you would have to pay some 10p/10KB, instead switch to the costliest plan for few days (Airtel charges on pro rata basis)
So if you switch to the Rs 675 3.125 GB Plan, then 250 MB would be allocated for 3 days of usage (would cost you Rs 22.5)

Ensure you disable mobile data for few days, till you offset the usage.
Is there any permanent solution for this. Its very very difficult to remember to turn on/off data as one leaves/enters wifi zone. i have experienced this with my ipad also.
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