@rajshah i need to buy one more for my brother and now i think now of the coupons are working can just try a dummy buy and see if the coupon is working for you ?
What case are your using with the iPhone 6 you bought ? I am assuming it is already delivered and you may be using a case.
Btw what is the best deal on the iPhone 6 16GB model for now ? The best I could find (not counting Paytm) is ebay.in where it is sold for 54,500 (higher than MRP a$$holes) and using some coupon to reduce cost by 2500 Rs so effective price is 52000.
Any cashback offers of any credit card ?
I never use a Case!
And yes, I got the iPhone but not from eBay! They cancelled the order citing National Stock Shortage! Absolute chumps, those folks!
And if you are getting the eBay deal from theelctronicstore, the same dealer that ran the promotion, stay away!
They lied to me 6 days in a row saying that the phone would ship the next day, everyday!
I even told them that I'd record their conversations, which I did, and they still lied!
Finally after 8 days of waiting, I got a call regarding cancellation. I blasted them, the executive hung up!
Call the dealer, confirm stock availability and then order!
How much did it cost and does it have a LIP across the entire border on the front side ? Like if I wanted to place the phone facing downwards, the glass won't touch the surface ?
I use a ACASE brand case on my 4S and it has that lip. But that I had ordered from USA.