Locked Version in France: 399 Euros (~$560 ~Rs.22400)
Unlocked Version: Will be more expensive than Locked one (Assuming 499 Euros (~$700 ~Rs.28000)
You can buy unlocked ones cheaper in Mumbai !
It seems that the statement of Orange selling unlocked iphones hasnt gone well with Apple !!
[From Apples website:]
According to the Orange spokeswoman, the cost of the unlocked version of the iPhone will be announced in November. For its part, however, Apple appears to be disputing that an official agreement has been made in this regard. Speaking to Gizmodo, a spokesperson for the iPhone maker said IHT was 'only citing French law, not Orange's intentions.'
So what I am looking forward to is essentially apples stand on unlocked iphones ! If it does support unlocked iphones (updates etc.),then it will be a very interesting move.
Apart from that,there is already an interesting announcement done by Apple and that is to release an Open SDK to support native thied-party software development..
Interesting times ahead