iPhone India edition something on the lighter side

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Special Features:


Miss-call Management Service Integrated allows you to make calls to friends without giving them a milli-second to pick up your call.


Irritating Ringtone Killer allows you drain the battery of the offending phones in your area.


Misleading Voice Message Generator plays auto generated voice messages to your boss/parents/wife leading them to think that your phone is busy or out of coverage area.


Gutter & Pothole Manouevering System gives you updated reports on the size, depth and physical state of gutters and potholes on your way to work.


Emergency Feign Death Mode is activated automatically once a user in your STL (Suspicious Tresspasser List) like your dad or mom attempts to access the recent call history or some private folders.


Replace Current Wallpaper with Wife’s Photo mode is well, self-explanatory.


Bulk Conversion of all Pirated Windows Softwares is included considering public demand.

Note: Requests to imprint the price of the phone on the back will be considered in the next release.

source::iPhone India edition something on the lighter side - Newlaunches.com

Btw on a serious note i heard iphone coming to india in december
errr.. one thing missing though ..


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magnet said:
Btw on a serious note i heard iphone coming to india in december

If it aint some NRI bringing along for himself... then it should b something... Anyways, dont think Apple is gonna bring it by themselves. Steve Jobs seriously doesnt see India as a real market for Apple Products!! He just closed India Apple Store last year after operating for less than a year!!
sunbiz_3000 said:
If it aint some NRI bringing along for himself... then it should b something... Anyways, dont think Apple is gonna bring it by themselves. Steve Jobs seriously doesnt see India as a real market for Apple Products!! He just closed India Apple Store last year after operating for less than a year!!

Actually last night i was watching zee business saw this stuff there..but on net i myself cant find the stuff....
sunbiz_3000 said:
If it aint some NRI bringing along for himself... then it should b something... Anyways, dont think Apple is gonna bring it by themselves. Steve Jobs seriously doesnt see India as a real market for Apple Products!! He just closed India Apple Store last year after operating for less than a year!!
Yea, I believe HCL and Wipro are bringing the iPhone to India.
sunbiz_3000 said:
He just closed India Apple Store last year after operating for less than a year!!

In which cities ?

..or are you referring to him stopping call centre support from India.
sunbiz_3000 said:
If it aint some NRI bringing along for himself... then it should b something... Anyways, dont think Apple is gonna bring it by themselves. Steve Jobs seriously doesnt see India as a real market for Apple Products!! He just closed India Apple Store last year after operating for less than a year!!
Ehh, Apple Store in Goa very much open and functional :S
Anish said:
Ehh, Apple Store in Goa very much open and functional :S

It aint an Apple Store... its just an authorized apple distributor I guess... In other countries Apple owns and operates its own stores and these are world-class facilities with sales ppl having pretty awesome technical skills... These stores are designed aesthetically and are a treat to watch!! It was started somewhere in Hyderabad (not sure)...and then was closed down!!
^ Ohh yeah, its an Apple corner store. Apple boards all over and all, but managed by some Goan guy. And yeah, stuff suck :P
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