iPhone or Android.

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vortex_mak said:
ha ha.. I know, khanvis, I just witnessed the Mahabharat in the other thread. You are in the clear, now lets see what desiibond has to say :P

Its supposed to be only for people who have any of the two devices so I didnt keep a third option. It would have been a walkover if I had put a Symbian option :)

khanvis - you forgot to vote
my vote was done a while ago. I gave my opinion in the other thread and no need for me to post same thing again and again in every thread :)

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vercetti said:
iPhone for now....yet to try android
hey, if you want to check how Android is, we can meet up this weekend, you can take a brief look at my Legend. you will be able to know more detail on SenseUI and what exactly Android is. I can ask two of my friends using Galaxy S and Moto Milestone to join (if possible).
JayMathers said:
. . .I have used both the OS and at any point of time i like the Iphone's easy OS where you get everything on the home screens.

. . .And there is no competition to iTunes.

To your first point, my experience has been quite the opposite actually. While I agree that the iPhone's OS is easier to use, but IMHO it doesn't compare with the luxury of having multiple home screens - this combined with widgets gives you a ton of information without launching any program. Again having used both OSes, I'm surprised widgets is something Apple has totally missed till now.

To your second point, totally agree - I wouldn't want to drag and drop my media ever if something like iTunes can seamlessly sync it across devices.
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