iphone OS 4.0 what's new?

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Couldn't find any thread related to this and hence though of putting down few points on iphone OS 4

First some stats given by Steve:

1) 450,000 ipads sold

2) 600,000 ibooks downloaded

3) 3.5 million ipad apps downloaded

4) 4 billion apps downloaded from appstore

5) 185,000 apps in appstore (3,500 ipad apps)

6) iphone has 64% mobile browser usage share

7) 50 million iphones sold

8) 85 million ipod touch devices sold

Release date: Summer for ipod touch and iphone, fall for ipad.

Expected upgrade price for ipod touch: not revealed yet.

iphone OS 4 has 1500 new APIs, 100 new user features.

Apple concentrated on 7 most important features added to iphone OS 4. They called them "Tentpole features"

Tentpole 1: Multitasking:

This feature will only be available in ipod touch 3G and iphone 3GS. Thanks to the inferior h/w of earlier iphone and ipod touch models, they won't be able to do multitasking.

how : double click of home button opens expose' like windows showing all the open apps

limitation: to avoid battery drain and performance loss, apple is providing seven multitasking APIs and they are

a) Background Audio

b) Voice over IP

c) Background Location

d) Push Notifications

e) Local Notifications

f) Task Completion (like keep uploading images to online service in background)

g) Fast App switching

Tentpole 2 : Folders:

This is a really welcome and surprise addition. Now, we can organize groups of applications by putting them in folders in home screen. Now, if we have two dozen games, we can create a games folder and put all the icons in the folder. And as per the demo, the management of folders is pretty slick and easy. Thanks to this addition, now, iphone home screens can accomodate 2,160 apps (up from 180)

Tentpole 3 Unified Mailbox:

All the mails from multiple email accounts will be under one inbox and also, multiple exchange accounts are allowed. Mails can be organized by threads now and also open attachments with apps.

Tentpole 4: ibooks

the much talked about ibooks app will be available in iphone OS4 and guess what, you can buy a book in ibook store and wirelessly sync it to all your apple devices running ibook. Purchase book once and read it anywhere.

Tentpole 5 Enterprise:

Better data protection, mobile device management, wireless app distribution, multiple exch accounts, exchange server 2010 support, SSL VPN support

Tentpole 6 Game Center :

This is Apples own xbox live service. Now, (fun) gamers on iphone OS can now be part of social gaming network. Features include Invite friends, matchmaking, leaderboards, achievements.

Tentpole 7 iAd mobile advertising:

Apple is going in applications. Ads will be displayed around 10 times per day while using applications. And they are estimating around 1 billion ad impressions per day. If I were there in the hall, I would've booed loudly. And guess what, Apple wants to make ads better and are thinking to inject emotion plus interactivity to ads. whatever it is, in my opinion, it sucks.

Apple sells & hosts the ads and 60% of revenue will be given to App developer.

Iphone OS 4 beta SDK is already available now for testing.
Good work Apple except iAd.. No one wants there device to be full of Advertisements.. :@ :@ The idea sucks...
ibook on both ipad and ipod/iphone works. if I am reading a novel at home on ipad and If I have to go on a bus, I can continue the same on ipod touch. nothing extraordinary but it can be a good addition.
desiibond said:
Tentpole 7 iAd mobile advertising:

Apple is going to put Ads all over the OS. Ads will be displayed around 10 times per day while using applications. And they are estimating around 1 billion ad impressions per day. If I were there in the hall, I would've booed loudly. And guess what, Apple wants to make ads better and are thinking to inject emotion plus interactivity to ads. whatever it is, in my opinion, it sucks.

Apple sells & hosts the ads and 60% of revenue will be given to App developer.

Iphone OS 4 beta SDK is already available now for testing.

Get your facts correct. iAd is like a daemon process that's built into the OS for delivering ads to the customers. But it isn't "all over the OS". It'll only be there in applications where developers have explicitly given their consent. It don't think you'll see ads in any paid apps. You'll find these "non-intrusive" ads only in free or trial applications.
tracerbullet said:
Get your facts correct. iAd is like a daemon process that's built into the OS for delivering ads to the customers. But it isn't "all over the OS". It'll only be there in applications where developers have explicitly given their consent. It don't think you'll see ads in any paid apps. You'll find these "non-intrusive" ads only in free or trial applications.

buddy, ads are already there in few free/trial applications (bottom and top horizontal ad bars.

and what makes you believe that there won't be ads in paid apps? Did the apple-paid-apps-employee-union promised you that they won't put ads? How can an ad be non-intrusive when an ad is displayed once every three minutes?

If you are not one of those apple fanbois who think everything apple does is right, I am sorry, I will not continue this discussion regarding iads with you. if you are not a fanboi, I Am Listening :)
desiibond said:
buddy, ads are already there in few free/trial applications (bottom and top horizontal ad bars.

and what makes you believe that there won't be ads in paid apps? Did the apple-paid-apps-employee-union promised you that they won't put ads? How can an ad be non-intrusive when an ad is displayed once every three minutes?

If you are not one of those apple fanbois who think everything apple does is right, I am sorry, I will not continue this discussion regarding iads with you. if you are not a fanboi, I Am Listening :)

Chill dude, I didn't mean to rub you the wrong way. I think you've misunderstood what iAd is about. First, as I mentioned, it isn't "all over the OS". You'll only see it in apps, that's all. And from the demos I've seen on the internet, ads don't look like ads at all. They can invoke apps and are interactive in a way Flash on the web has never been.
Multitasking feature and many other features only for iphone 3gs and ipod 3rd gen. :(

Multitasking not supported on older models due to inferior hardware,what a lame reason to force people to upgrade to new iphones.I am happy with Kirikae
^^True, Tentpole #1 and #2 would be just two less reasons to jailbreak.
#3, #4, #5 #6 :yawns:.
#7 - Will it bring down the outrageous cost of apps?
in my opinion the 4.0 is pretty sweet OS ...also this new OS brings multitasking thats a decent thingi..i hope an ipad OS update comes with it asap..

ibook ?err....dats goes bak to 2.0 version doesnt it? tw lesser reasons to jailbreak now...but if u can u must do :P
Apple just rocks. Lets face it if you had 32k and you could do anything with it atleast, I would buy an iPhone 3GS.
^ if i had 32k i would save it to buy the iphone HD:D Anyway am extremely happy with folders and game center. Like the way both apple and microsoft plan to implement multitasking! Buty donk't like the idea of ads no matter however well packaged
tracerbullet said:
Chill dude, I didn't mean to rub you the wrong way. I think you've misunderstood what iAd is about. First, as I mentioned, it isn't "all over the OS". You'll only see it in apps, that's all. And from the demos I've seen on the internet, ads don't look like ads at all. They can invoke apps and are interactive in a way Flash on the web has never been.

point noted and post edited :)
Actually... I think the iAds are clever. They are gonna look/appear same as they appear in current apps, but instead of driving you to browser when clicked on they can open as interactive in-app window. You don't wanna see the ad, don't click on it. I don't think it's any more obtrusive than it's in current form. In fact, I hate ads in current form, specially because accidental click will close the app and send me to browser which I don't want. So with iAds, if I accidently click on ad it won't close my app. This is specially a big deal, if you plan to run OS4.0 on non-multitasking supported devices (iPhone 3G or original 2G).
Wow!!! Apple does know how to resell the age old technology in a new form and label it as brand new!!
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