iPhone Pwnage Tool Released

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Discussion about hacking and cracking will not be entertained over the forums... Next time it will result in a permanent ban...

Just Kidding...
Switch said:
Discussion about hacking and cracking will not be entertained over the forums... Next time it will result in a permanent ban...

Just Kidding...
shouldnt half the psp threads be deleted then?
^^ You missed the last line

"Just kidding"

This hack was the most awaited of all things i have ever seen for the iphone. This tool will give Apple a nice lesson to try and monopolize things..

Like they say .. Steved

Got hold of Leopard 10.5.2 and pwned one of my iPhones (yet to do the other one).

Bootloader: 4.6_M3S2

Modem Firmware: 04.04.05_G

Fully functional and working. This new method of going about things is far far better.

Now if I could get drivers for my sound card I just might move to Leopard all together. :D
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