A amigoatul Contributor Feb 2, 2008 #1 Just bought the ipod nano 3G 4GB version.Itunes is a real pain to use,so are there any apps thru which i can easliy transfer music,videos and images to my ipod.Help please....
Just bought the ipod nano 3G 4GB version.Itunes is a real pain to use,so are there any apps thru which i can easliy transfer music,videos and images to my ipod.Help please....
superczar Keymaster Feb 2, 2008 #3 any particular issues with itunes that is making you look for alternative software?
K Kumar Forerunner Feb 2, 2008 #4 http://www.techenclave.com/forums/ipod-management-what-do-you-use-100881.html