Audio Ipod shuffle 3G earphones.... Help !


Hi guyz. It has a been a year since i bought a ipod shuffle 3G which has the audio controls embedded with the earphone. Yesterday suddenly it was not working. I am thinking of getting a new one. Since it has the adapter embedded with the earphone i cannot use any 2.5 mm pin earphone. I am in chennai. Where can i get a shuffle earphone.. PLease help ! much can you spend ....earphone with controls are quite cmmon these days ....get them ...dont invest in ipod stock ones they have bad build( microphone quality is topnotch though)

2.5mm ...correct me if wrong ....doesnt suffle have a 3.5mm jack.
Common these days ? I am ready to spend 1000/- RS . If there are some alternatives suggest me some ! .......

BTW 2.5 mm was a typo mistake... :)
Have a look at soundmagic MP21, it comes with controls and costs rs 1100 but dont know how well it works with shuffle,may be other users can check and confirm.