ipod touch 2g 8GB enough??

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i have an option of picking up a new ipod touch 2g 8GB which retails for $229 or a refurbished ipod touch 1g 16GB for $219 on apple site.
which one will be a better option.
i mean 2g has inbuilt speaker and volume controller and sleek design.
i have a question whether 8gb space is sufficient for average use.
like storing 500 songs 4-5 movies and apps if jailbroken.
how much space does each movie take up which has been properly encoded for the 3.5 inch screen of the ipod/iphone.
is it around 500MB or 1GB:S
i used to drag drop files on my zen vision m without any encoding and they used to take up 700mb and where at 640x480 resolutions.
so that way it should be about 500MB at 480x360 resolutions.i am a complete noob about encoding.
aman2645 said:
i have an option of picking up a new ipod touch 2g 8GB which retails for $229 or a refurbished ipod touch 1g 16GB for $219 on apple site.
which one will be a better option.
i mean 2g has inbuilt speaker and volume controller and sleek design.
i have a question whether 8gb space is sufficient for average use.
like storing 500 songs 4-5 movies and apps if jailbroken.

Whats the warranty offered on refubrished ipod ?? imo it's better to go in for a new ipod touch 2G ( Though you have to remember that ipod touch 2G[N72AP] cannot be jailbroken at present iirc)

aman2645 said:
how much space does each movie take up which has been properly encoded for the 3.5 inch screen of the ipod/iphone.
is it around 500MB or 1GB:S
i used to drag drop files on my zen vision m without any encoding and they used to take up 700mb and where at 640x480 resolutions.
so that way it should be about 500MB at 480x360 resolutions.i am a complete noob about encoding.

Movies encoded usually take around 200-250mb for an hr's content, though it depends on many factors like the resolution aspect ratio and even the software used for encoding

You can easily store 500 songs at 192kbps, else you could convert them to aac(m4a) files at 128kbps(without any loss in quality) to store even more songs :)
so should i go for a 8gb 0r 16gb model
the refurbished ipod touch 16gb does have 1year limited warranty.
Apple Store (U.S.) - Refurbished iPod touch, 16GB

actually i was sceptical about the fact that games for ipod touch like asphalt or gts racing are actually 100+ MB in size.
so i wont be able to fit many in 2gb space left after movies and songs are stored in it.
16 GB is ideal for stacking up... But if outside your budget stick with the newer 2G model IMO
how much GB's of song collection u have? how many hours u spent hearing songs in a single day? how often do u update ur music collection? which languages u hear? do u got the habit of stacking up songs and if so how often u hear them? or u casually hear when the latest film music comes out? r u buying it to possess a stylish gadget? how many movies u watch in a month? how good is ur system for the encoding purposes? how long u watch in a tiny screen or do u travel to ur work place require more than 1 hour and u r ready to pull out the gadget and watch movies or hear music? ASK URSELF THESE Q'S AND GET THE REQUIRED HARDWARE, IT HASN'T TO BE AN APPLE ONE TO ENJOY MOVIES AND SONGS. NOT THE ADS AND OTHER RUBBISH THINGS MAKE U THINK U NEED THOSE. GOOD LUCK
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