Grey Market/US. Not sure.Darthcoder said:Depends on where you are buying from, firstly.
And secondly on your needs.Pros for Vision M are better image,vid quality and bigger screen.
Vince has a Zen Vision M AFAIK.
Let's not forget about ergonomics and build quality, which the ipod excels at. It's an mp3 player and it does its job extremely well.Chaos said:The Ipod is all about looks and flaunt value and zilch in functionality. It doesn't even support playing avi files . The creative doesn't look as cool but has everything you need other than flaunt value .
Yup. That indeed is bcoz of the crappy earphones.tracerbullet said:Let's not forget about ergonomics and build quality, which the ipod excels at. It's an mp3 player and it does its job extremely well.
Akshit, if mp3 playback is your first prerogative, then pick up the ipod without thinking twice. Regarding audio quality, I really haven't found any issues as such. But I do believe that it's the earplugs that limits the sound and not the player itself.