Linux IPv6 problem- Unknown host

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I got IPv6 working in windows and solaris9.I was able to ping between these platforms. I can even ping a linux machine from windows n solaris.I can even SSH -6 <IPv6> from solaris(SSH1) machine to linux(SSH2) but not vice-versa. niether i can ping from linux to windows n solaris.
I get this mesage:
ping6: Unknown host

where am i going wrong in any configuration.
I know how to manually configure IPv6 in linux,windows and solaris. It's local link address fe80::64

I am not pinging using hostname. I am using:

ping6 <ipv6 address>

I get output Unknown host.

anyways i will see adding those hostname and ip to hosts. In solaris the file is diferent where u add IPv6-hostname. it is loacted here /etc/inet.

/etc/inet/ipnodes to be exact.

Are u using a vendor provided kernel or a custom one? Are you sure that IPv6 is compiled in?
err yes its enabled in the kernel.i am using Fedora Core 3.

secondly the output of :
ifconfig eth0 |grep inet6

shows me the Ipv6 address: fe80::....../64

It is strange. I tried ping6 with an arbitrary IP on a comp with IPv6 (lsmod showed ipv6 module) and it gives the same old mesage as your comp. Shouldn;t it have given network/host unavailable or something?

I can't get it... IPv6 is clearly running fine, but its utilities are not...
make sure the module IPv6 is running... after that.. well.. maybe u can send an email to ~unix~
well i still cant find the solution to this problem. maybe more reading is required for IPv6 on linux. really bored now will try again later.if u find the solution then good share with me.

ok i forgot about this thread just today i was on ipv6 and remembered about this discussion. So to solve the problem I added these lines in /etc/hosts:
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

and then I ping my windows machine Ipv6 address with command:
ping6 -I eth0 fe80::2xx:xxff:fexx:47xx

and it works!

Now if i want to ping my linux machine ipv6 address from Windows machine then I have to first use ipconfig command on Windows machine and the output for example is this:

Now see that "%4" that is the interface id in windows which is similar to eth0 eth1 etc

So if my linux IPv6 is: fe80::2xx:xxff:fexx:d6xx then command to ping is:

ping fe80::2xx:xxff:fexx:d6xx%4

I thought u already did that, at least that is what the link I gave said to do isn't it?
glad u got it up and running. that %4 thingy is weird. Would u still require it if ipv4 was disabled and there were no other NICs in ur win box?
KingKrool said:
I thought u already did that, at least that is what the link I gave said to do isn't it?
glad u got it up and running. that %4 thingy is weird. Would u still require it if ipv4 was disabled and there were no other NICs in ur win box?

yes in my machine at office there is only one NIC and believe i was so pissed off with the ping command not working when i finally discovered the significance of the %4 :O lol It tells the ping command to use the NIC with id 4. You can use this commands to check the NIC id in windows:
netsh <enter>
netsh>interface <enter>
netsh interface>ipv6 <enter>
netsh inerface ipv6>show interface

And also note that u have to use -I eth0 too with linux's ping6 command otherwise u get error unknown host. Just for testing I also commented the lines I added in /etc/hosts files and still the ping6 command works. So -I ethx is important. You can alias ping6='ping6 -I ethx' if u want
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