IQ Test

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Hmmmm ... an even better IQ test could be based on the same format using CPUs currently available market. Those who owned Intel CPUs would score a significantly higher IQ than those who own AMDs best :!
Why I am not surprised ? Everyone knows IE users are dumb. In India, the majority of them are sarkari babus in post offices, banks & other offices doing their work on IE6 or older.
Now the company which conducted the survey is being threatened with a lawsuit by so called "IE fans" for posting defamatory statements against them.
There is nothing wrong about doing a correlation and presenting the data because it is what it is, but what's bad is drawing half baked conclusions from that data like they did. I am willing to bet that any heavy/serious Internet user would be using IE alongside any other browser(s) of their choice. No serious internet user can do completely without ever using IE. I myself use IE alongside Firefox and Chrome.
I have seen dumb users using FF n Opera.

These statistics make no sense...lemme try to explain why..

Dumb?No..but maybe less informed about s/w

Just because one is less tech/internet savvy shall render him dumb?

People have different hobbies n interests in life n if a certain test relates uninformed = dumb ..then you kno who is dumb to believe such tests.

Another obvious flaws in such things..


Independent study..

Get 100 kids from rajastan n other north west states of india. Feed them health drink A gor 3yrs.

Get 100 kids from north east states of india and feed them health drink B

N that is how you sell drink A for resulting in higher growth rate in infancy..!!

Kid1: mummy ko bole complan pilaye

Kid2: (shorter n sad)




After few days..

Kid2 is outgrown kid1 in height after havin complan for some time...

But wait..kid1 also must be drinkin complan since he suggests come he was outgrown?

Who's the dumb?

IE user?

Or both complan users n ad campaign?

-This Cryptic Message is brought to you from beyond The MAtrix :P:)
So many people have had Firefox and Chrome installed on their PC by software engineers while installing their Weindoows. Does that make them any smarter than the ones who didn't have another browser installed?

PS - Opera user here :D
Well, I was and still am avid FF user. Never liked Opera. I actually distinctly dislike it.

Never liked chrome either but I have it installed on guest account of our home PC.

And I started using IE9 again. IE9 is great. It is big improvement from IE7 and IE8. I actually like it better than Chrome now. And this is coming from a guy who never touched IE since 1999.

And btw : BBC News - Internet Explorer story was bogus
pauldmps said:
Why I am not surprised ? Everyone knows IE users are dumb. In India, the majority of them are sarkari babus in post offices, banks & other offices doing their work on IE6 or older.

Cant blame sarkari babus, I doubt if they have rights to install/upgrade browser of their choice..

Shripad said:
Well, I was and still am avid FF user. Never liked Opera. I actually distinctly dislike it.

Never liked chrome either but I have it installed on guest account of our home PC.

And I started using IE9 again. IE9 is great. It is big improvement from IE7 and IE8. I actually like it better than Chrome now. And this is coming from a guy who never touched IE since 1999.

And btw : BBC News - Internet Explorer story was bogus

I agree some of the websites are compatible only with IE and IE 9 is great; but then as an example, try filling a form in IE and in Chrome. You will know why people are switching on to chrome. Again upgrading is seamless and automatic. Never experienced in other browsers like Opera, Firefox or IE
Wait a second, by that comparison I should probably be having the highest IQ (or any other web developer/designer for that matter). I use following browsers (in no particular order)




Firefox 3.6

Firefox 4

Firefox 5

Firefox 5 (mac)


Chrome (mac)

Safari 4

Safari 5.0.1

Safari 5.1

Safari 5.1 (mac)

If you're wondering why? then as I said, as a web developer/designer I work on lot of UX part and have to test my work on most of the common browsers, IE7/8, Firefox 3.6, Chrome and Safari on mac being most of them. If anyone is wondering why no Opera... well, like I said, most commonly used browsers. Opera percentage is so damn low, it's not worth wasting time validating for it. And before any pro-opera user start rambling... it has been at the bottom of the list on most of our analytical stats (yeh, even below the long-gone IE6).

That said, the whole IQ story by browser is majorly BS and as Shripad already posted the link, has been debunked. I've seen some serious noobs using firefox, chrome and opera because it's what experts use (seriously, it what's one of them have said to me while opening their firefox) and I've seen some really smart guys using IE. So this whole smart by browser debate is seriously stupid.
IE6 is still not dead, some of the major companies/banks/government offices etc in India still use it......

IE is only for those dumb sites which are diesigned to run on one of the slowest browsers in the world, IE. Even with IE9 did not find much of a difference in speeds. Have kept it as a backup only. Shifting to ChromeOS soon.

But gotta admit, who ever pulled off the stunt, keep going :clap: ....would love if ya could do one on "The followers of (Steve) Jobs" :ohyeah:
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