IRC+Dot Get???


Hi Guys,

Recently came across this site called used for file sharing through IRC, anyone know anything about it??

Also,as am new to IRC could anyone write a tutorial for file-sharing through IRC and also using dotgetdotorg script if anyone knows it, that would be helpful to IRC n00bs like me.

It would have been promising, but it only searches one single channel it seems :(

In short, this is what you can do to get files off IRC

1. Get an IRC client - irssi or x-chat on linux and HydraIRC or mIRC on windows are good ones.
2. Visit or ... search for the file you need.
3. If your IRC client is integrated into your browser (like mIRC integrates into IE), you can simply click on the packet number (like #4) in the listing at packetnews, this will open your client and connect to the server and join the channel. The CTCP trigger will be placed in your copy-paste buffer, paste it, and accept the file.
4. If your client is not integrated into the browser, simply not the server, channel, and CTCP trigger. Connect, join, trigger ;)

On mIRC, you will have to set some options in the DCC section to allow files to be recieved. Hmm ... where is RYB's tut when you need it :bleh:
ujjwal said:
It would have been promising, but it only searches one single channel it seems :(

In short, this is what you can do to get files off IRC

1. Get an IRC client - irssi or x-chat on linux and HydraIRC or mIRC on windows are good ones.
2. Visit or ... search for the file you need.
3. If your IRC client is integrated into your browser (like mIRC integrates into IE), you can simply click on the packet number (like #4) in the listing at packetnews, this will open your client and connect to the server and join the channel. The CTCP trigger will be placed in your copy-paste buffer, paste it, and accept the file.
4. If your client is not integrated into the browser, simply not the server, channel, and CTCP trigger. Connect, join, trigger ;)

On mIRC, you will have to set some options in the DCC section to allow files to be recieved. Hmm ... where is RYB's tut when you need it :bleh:

Lots of good info. Thanks for sharing reps to ya. :hap2: