Is Aishwarya Rai & her Acting Artificial??

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As the title says is Aishwarya Rai & her Acting Artificial??

please vote

I say absolutely no :no:
haha...... Udit.....

Anyway, you know my vote anyway. and I am not talking only abt her acting.

She herself is artificial. She is not genuine even in interviews and stuff....

See, SRK or Abhishek Bachchan..... they are nice charismatic, spontaneous people...not this Indian female talking with an American accent...
Darklord said:
Thats it i am banning Udit. :@

:S :S :S

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:( :( :( tell ..u all her acting..looks artificial .especially the first part of dhoom 2..she overacts too much..ok i know she looks..damn or whatever..but i dont knw why i feel she is not genuine exactly as NIKHIL said...acting..wise there are 20 more the industry better than her..but in looks..i agree she looks good she she has been crwned..miss uni\world..sumthing sumthing..

no offences meant to ASH lovers....but what i feel..really is she is a B**ch..leave aside a person also ..she looks quiet me..

atleast after what she did to Sallu bhai...he he he.. all of the above..are my ASH lovers..dnt take seriously...u continue..lovin..her lol...

as for me..Vidya..balan!!
she is nt a natural actor...but she tries hard...
as Nikhil says everything abt her is artificial...
faheem_m said: tell ..u all her acting..looks artificial .especially the first part of dhoom 2..she overacts too much..ok i know she looks..damn or whatever..but i dont knw why i feel she is not genuine exactly as NIKHIL said...acting..wise there are 20 more the industry better than her..but in looks..i agree she looks good she she has been crwned..miss uni\world..sumthing sumthing..

no offences meant to ASH lovers....but what i feel..really is she is a B**ch..leave aside a person also ..she looks quiet me..

atleast after what she did to Sallu bhai...he he he.. all of the above..are my ASH lovers..dnt take seriously...u continue..lovin..her lol...

as for me..Vidya..balan!!

Agree with it and also adding to it.

I also HATE her smiling 'words'..........the 'he he he he he' thing

(just cant type it, hope you understand what I am trying to say)

It sounds like evil moded version of SHK's K K K K K K K K edition.
Nikhil said:
awwww........ Udit will go into depression seeing the results of his poll :P

no I will not get depressed will just get a bit sad :(

:censure: .. a spoiled PC, no internet and no money can make me depressed

super_saiyan said:
this is ridiculous...!! :@

people have their personal preferences...& i like the way ash does it...;)

same here

:@ :@ :@ at all aishwarya haters

@Nikhil, I hate Priyanka Chopra going to teach her a lesson in my bondage themed dream tonight :P
super_saiyan said:
& i like the way ash does it...;)

the way she does what? ACT? :rofl:
well, its good she cant act actually, God wouldn't gift someone good looks AND good acting skills :P
so much of overacting in dhoom.. she didnt fit the role at all.. she's already starting to get those old
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