Is reliable?

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I have ordered a few posters as well, they confirmed my order on Monday but I am yet to receive the order.

Anyways, just opt for the COD option and be tension free.
Used it 3-4 times. They have one of the best packaging I've seen !

While they were awesome at launch, I did find the CC getting more and more average as time went by. Also, their delivery times aren't that great (in the range of 7-14 days for me, but it might be due to BD being such a crappy courier in my area).
Yea, theyre a little over priced but they're enjoying the monopoly. Ive ordered online and from their stores physically too.
karan_n8 said:
Yea, theyre a little over priced but they're enjoying the monopoly. Ive ordered online and from their stores physically too.

not monopoly, a ebay seller is there also, who ships in PVC tubes, Most probably his name is BombayWatch, I am not sure though
Doesn't Buzzinga ship the posters in PVC tubes as well? Is there any other way of shipping posters without damage? :S
^Actually they do have a niche market but I think the prices are still reasonable. We need 3-4 more sites like Buzzingaa to get more competitive prices.
One of the Best Packaging I have ever come accross ... U can sit on those tubes , & they wont budge (Unless U are Yokozuna himself , maybe even then they won't) . Since I live in NCR , I got mine pretty soon , considering I had like 8 posters . The poster collection is awesome , which btw is their tagline :P . Got the T shirts the second time , & they were delivered well in time as well . Check out my wall :
^Actually all the awesome posters are out of stock. I wonder if they ever will come back in stock. Its been 8 days now, still no sign of my order.

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Got my order delivered just now and the packaging was indeed very good. My only gripe is that the posters quality leaves a lot to be desired. I have seen better quality posters at a much cheaper rates at my local stores. But I guess, thats not Buzzinga's fault as all the posters are imported.

I would rate my first experience with Buzzingaa at 8/10.
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