Is Dish washer a Good choice ?

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Hello All,

I wanted to check with the experienced folks here on Dishwashers.I am inclined towards a machine rather than man, coz it will not have bloody excuses, treatments, etc. I have below questions.

1. Are Dishwashers really work with INDIAN food habits? I mean We do use lot of oil, Mostly all steel utensils etc.
2. If they are really worth the 40k (Bosch), how much expenditure they need on a monthly basis for a family of 7, considering 2 cycles in a day
3. Do we need to pre clean the vessels before loading them?
4. Is it mandatory to to use all steel/Glass items?

Please suggest me..

I have seen one thread on TE about dishwashers, you may search that. Just that personally i feel they are useless for Indian food habits. Many people might not agree with me.
1. Utensils containing too much oil can be washed at higher temperatures which will remove the grease completely.
2. For IFB & Seimens you need 3 ingredients - Soap, Salt & Rinse Aid. Depending on how much of these you use per wash it'll last about 20 days.
3. All Food Waste has to be removed. Stains & burns, if its tough should be scraped off.
4. You can put in any type of materials that can be washed. Cheaper Glasses won't be able to handle much heat so lower the heat (30C) when washing them.

If you have loads of utensils to wash then a DW would be useful. You don't need to spoil your hands on soap nor break your back cleaning it. All you'll have to do it remove the food waste, scrape any burns & load it. You'll also save loads of water.

Btw. you can go for IFB at half the cost.
DW's are an excellent Home Utility item. They work just fine if the steps as directed in the above post are considered. Im myself looking to buy an IFB DW with manual controls. Or better Bosch DW, waiting for its availability locally...
We bought the Bosch one about a yr ago. Even today my wife thanks me for this purchase.

As a matter of fact it cleans oily stuff better. It fails to clean the utensils on which food is stuck/burnt.

Thank you all for the inputs. I am really afraid to buy the IFB due to horrible stories in . LG is very expensive. I think I have to go with the Bosch 40K model.
@amohit, how much time does it take to complete a cycle? Also is the plate rack big enough to accommodate plates with broad edges? What is the warranty on bosch DW?
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amohit, how much time does it take to complete a cycle? Also is the plate rack big enough to accommodate plates with broad edges? What is the warranty on bosch DW?

We have this model Products - Dishwashers - Dishwashers - SMS40E32EU.
We generally run in normal mode with half load setting. This is enough to clean all our glass/melamine/steel utensils. It takes 2 hrs to wash one load. Warranty is 1 yr. It costed us 28.5k when we bought it last year. It does look like two hrs is a long time to clean, but then we generally start the cleaning process as last thing before we go to sleep. Next day morning, we magically have all clean and dry utensils.

We generally use regular plates, so not very sure, but I think it will not fit the traditional broad edged thalli that we use in many parts of India. However, I have one such plate at home. I will try to fit it in and let you know if it works.

@amohit how much is the average monthly consumption for detergent, salt etc in Rs. if you run once daily at half load?
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amohit how much is the average monthly consumption for detergent, salt etc in Rs. if you run once daily at half load?

Its almost 11 months for us. 1 bag of salt (2kgs) lasted us 6 months. And this is for extremely hard water. 1 bottle of shine lasted for 6 months.Alternately you can use white vinegar as well . Currently we are using mixture of 50% shine 50% white vinegar. We dont find any difference in end result. Detergent: 1teaspoon per wash cycle. This is approx 8gms. We use finish products. They can be ordered online.

Its almost 11 months for us. 1 bag of salt (2kgs) lasted us 6 months. And this is for extremely hard water. 1 bottle of shine lasted for 6 months.Alternately you can use white vinegar as well . Currently we are using mixture of 50% shine 50% white vinegar. We dont find any difference in end result. Detergent: 1teaspoon per wash cycle. This is approx 8gms. We use finish products. They can be ordered online.


amohit, thanks for your inputs ,its nice to hear from some one who actually uses it .

Few more things if you can clarify .

How much water it consumes ?.
How do you define load in dishwasher ? .how much can it take in ?
How much current it takes ? . How much increase in power bill ?
Also in 11 months any service was needed ?

PS : I have a Bosch washing machine , I like it . Need to decide on Dishwasher now .
amohit, thanks for your inputs ,its nice to hear from some one who actually uses it .

Few more things if you can clarify .

PS : I have a Bosch washing machine , I like it . Need to decide on Dishwasher now .

Glad I could help.

How much water it consumes ?. Manual says 14 lts. Since we do not have a separate water tank, it is not possible for us to actually calculate the water consumption. However, we know for sure that the machine takes in water 3 times. First for pre-rinse. 2nd time for Cleaning and 3rd time for rinsing. We have opened the dw midway in one of the cleaning cycles and I could see no more than 3-4 lts of water in the dw cavity. So my guess is its 14 lts is the total consumption.

How do you define load in dishwasher ? .how much can it take in ? : Last week we had 6 guests at home. And it took 2 loads to wash off all the utensils consumed by 8 people. Each load can easily take 8 plates, 16 bowls, 8 glasses, bunch of spoons, couple of serving bowls in one load.

How much current it takes ? . How much increase in power bill ?: Oue e-bill shot up by an avg of 30 units per month. This was for daily one load wash.

Also in 11 months any service was needed ? Once the nozzle that releases shine got blocked. I could not detect the issue so called the service engineer. It was a simple matter of cleaning the opening and everything was fine. Bosch has a centralized service center number. It took service engineer 48 hrs to turn up.

Btw, I tried placing the thalli in the dw. It doesn't fit.

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If you don't mind, can you post a photo with the utensils in the rack/stand (of course after washing)? I would like to know the kind of utensils you use.
IFB gives you the ability to modify the trays to load Indian Kadais, thawas & other big utensils. This isn't possible in Siemens. I would recommend IFB over Siemens as its more suitable for Indian conditions.

Water Consumption - IFB uses around 10l of water for full load & half load might be half of that.
Load Capacity - You can keep any no. of utensils with the condition that its face should be open to the water spray below fully.
Power Consumption - The technician while installing said for 1 full wash it takes 1 unit current. This will depend on the temp. set for the wash.
Issues - I've been using IFB DW for 2yrs & never faced a single problem. Same with IFB WM which is around 6months old.
My mom got it a few months back from ifb for around 33k. Used it a lot early on then kept a kaamwali to wash the dishes instead. Rather don't get it.
Here you go....

The bottom shelf also had a 3 lt pressure cooker...which was removed by the time I reached home.


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