Is it feasible to get a Mac from USA?

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Hey guys,

I am going to buy a laptop soon and i'm facing a lot of confusion..

It would mainly be used for developing purposes..

I have the following questions..

1. Is MAC preferred over windows for software development? (Java,C#, also interested in ios development)

2. Is it feasible to buy a MAC from USA seeing the current currency situation? And does it have International warranty? (My cousin is gonna be back in December and could bring it along)

3. What are current MBP prices in India? Why is the Indian apple Store down? (
Samm003 said:
Hey guys,

I am going to buy a laptop soon and i'm facing a lot of confusion..

It would mainly be used for developing purposes..

I have the following questions..

1. Is MAC preferred over windows for software development? (Java,C#, also interested in ios development)

You can code with ease on any mac,windows or linux for Java or C, you just need to find the best tools for that.

Personally i would prefer mac or linux over windows but its just because i'm more used to them
2. Is it feasible to buy a MAC from USA seeing the current currency situation? And does it have International warranty? (My cousin is gonna be back in December and could bring it along)

Yes apple has international warranty, just got mu macbook adaptor replaced a month back.

with the rupee depreciating the advantage of buying a mac from US is going down but its still cheaper
3. What are current MBP prices in India? Why is the Indian apple Store down? (

Macbook Pro starts at 70K in india , you can check this at apple india store
and thus we don't have any price updates on apple's india pricing.. :(


how bout some more views guys..

MAC s/w development vs. Windows s/w development?
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