is it ok to use Asus WL 520gu with mtnl broadband

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Gamer inside
I m using Mtnl broadband using Asus WL 420gu router.
Is it Ok to use this router with MNTL Broadband.
Mtnl people are saying that u should not use private modem :rofl:and only use MTNL supplied wifi routers.
my net was giving me problems yesterday and its not connecting(adsl light was not blinking)

reply asap
mtnl babus are idiots. Dont listen to them. Go ahead and use it to your hearts content. It will perform better than the modem or router they will supply.
SumitB said:
mtnl babus are idiots. Dont listen to them. Go ahead and use it to your hearts content. It will perform better than the modem or router they will supply.

yea i know ;)
they dont even know how to check internet speed :rofl:
I'm currently using the exact same router on MTNL and it works just fine. BTW...your ADSL light not blinking means there's a problem in the line and not your equipment.
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