You can email documents to your kindle via its email. Altho be warned that it will be quite cumbersome on a 6inch device with single digit fps, but it is doable
Here's a guide:
You can email documents to your kindle via its email. Altho be warned that it will be quite cumbersome on a 6inch device with single digit fps, but it is doable
Here's a guide:
I dont want to go in that much hassle. Like downloading pdfs in mobile (daily newspaper). Then to mail it to kindle.I read books too but daily newspaper is first priority. And readings pdfs in android by zooming again and again. I hate this. And it put strain on my eyes . So was planning to buy kindle. Any other simple and easy method. ??
I personally use Calibre from my laptop to load books on it. Quite easy to just connect a cable and sync it up, but the email is supremely convenient - you have to set up an approved email just once, and after that you just email the document to your kindle whenever you wish. The whole process will take barely 10-15mins for the one time setup, and it's quite seamless after that.
For newspapers I won't recommend kindle. Get any old used tablet, far better than e ink screen with low fps.
If your primary requirement is reading PDFs on a Kindle, you may want to re-consider buying one. As far as I have seen, Kindle scales up/down a PDF document just as it would a bitmap image. This makes it painfully slow and pretty much unusable, unless if your PDF files are specifically optimised to be read on a Kindle screen.
As a Kindle owner, I would advice you not to read PDFs on a kindle. the main reason has been pointed out above. The best experience of reading a PDF on an android device that I have experienced has been from using a free app called Xodo. It automatically fits the pdf text into the size of your device screen so you don't need to keep zooming in or out or panning from left to right.
As a Kindle owner, I would advice you not to read PDFs on a kindle. the main reason has been pointed out above. The best experience of reading a PDF on an android device that I have experienced has been from using a free app called Xodo. It automatically fits the pdf text into the size of your device screen so you don't need to keep zooming in or out or panning from left to right.