guys, i seek your valuable answer for my long pending doubt.
Is it safe to use ups for more than 4 or 5 years subject to battery replacement. For example say the ups and the battery carries 2 yrs and 1 yr warranty respectively. If both the warranty expires and the battery becomes weak, can i replace the battery after its warranty period till the ups dies completely ?. Or the back up time also depends on the pcb of the ups which degrades in the course of time.
Hope i made it clear...
Is it safe to use ups for more than 4 or 5 years subject to battery replacement. For example say the ups and the battery carries 2 yrs and 1 yr warranty respectively. If both the warranty expires and the battery becomes weak, can i replace the battery after its warranty period till the ups dies completely ?. Or the back up time also depends on the pcb of the ups which degrades in the course of time.
Hope i made it clear...