is it that understand

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this for guys who atleast something about realtivity.... see.... everything has been just proven mathematically... including time dilation and contraction of length..... mathematically it makes wonderful sence.... but not pracrtically....
well consider the differential ageing of twins..... if twin b is on earth... and twin a is travelling at .99c in space and returns after say 20 years (earthyears...) hey will just have aged by 2to 3 years.... well how doeas realativity affect bodygrowth and metabolism.... im no expert... but a layman in this topic... wud love to receive a reply from a patient individual who... has atleast a clear idea bout the subjest......
i would also love to have an e-version of the easiest... and understandable derivation of lorentz transformation.. sorry for the inconvinience caused... :)
Hey dint see this thread b4....
All that i know abt relativity is that einstein d00d proposed a contravertial theory sayin that we live in a 4D space-time world and the sum of speed of every little thing in all the 4 dimensions is equal to the speed of light so, if one twin travels at very high speed then the time slows down and he ages slow.

Read here
well.... this concept of differential ageing is bizarre... it just defies common sense..... how can the rate of metabolism slow down??
Common sense.... ok then how do u explain that even if u r travellin at half the speed of light and measure the speed of light in that reference frame , u'll be surprised to know that it will be again the speed of light.

Relativity sounds odd to me too but hey Lot of people were been killed in the past since thier results were against the "common sense", and those same results are found right later and people started updating their common sense :D :D
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