Is it worth changing from HUL 750 to H500C?

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Is it worth changing my bsnl plan from Home UL750 to Home 500 combo?
I have a lot to download and frankly speaking the list has become so huge that on a 256k connection just to download the current list it will take me more than a year and a half. Keeping it on the whole day i can manage just 2.7gb total in 20-24hrs :@

did some calculations and saw that if i change to 500 combo i'll get 2mbps speed and even if i just download from 2:30am to 7:30 am i'll manage to download 3.5gb theoretically. dont know how much normal browsing comes upto but i'll have to limit it to less than 4gb a month.

or should i get a new telephone line for the 500c plan? then for normal browsing + dl, i can use the 750ul plan and downloading at high speed use the 500 plan.

also there is no alternative to bsnl here, since i'm staying in vasai-virar area.
so require some iputs from your side please.

on a side note i was thinking of hayai, but seems like that guy wants to charge upwards of 900/1000 per 10gb download which is laughable. wonder how the rest of the broadband companies including the new tiny ones that crop up here and there in the city can offer more than him considering they buy the bandwidth through the major players itself. :huh:

ps: mods can move this to general section if this does not belong here. :)
Take 500 C+
Monthly 600
2.5GB day limit
50 free calls, no telephone rent

500C will only give 1.5 GB day limit

You can download about 4 to 4.5GB during NU if u put the download scripts correctly
Take care of your schedulers and scripts and keep checking portal often, else you might run into hefty bills if the download keeps running after 8

Remember, always have a new session after 2 and disconnect by 8
Say u have session from 10 and u just left it to download till 8, eventhough you may not have had any data transfer till 2AM, the session will be calculated from 10 to 8 and day charges will be

Amount of data downloaded / Number of minutes of that session
and will get averaged , so 10 to 2 also will have data transferred based on your NU data transferred for that session
^ the 1.5/ 2.5gb day limit is for the full month right?

i was thinking whether it would be better to get another line just for 500c+ plan. and switch on the modem on that line from 2am to 8am only.
6pack said:
^ the 1.5/ 2.5gb day limit is for the full month right?

i was thinking whether it would be better to get another line just for 500c+ plan. and switch on the modem on that line from 2am to 8am only.


imo, dont think its worth to have both 750 and 500C

You can do all browsing and small downloads during day with 500 plan and its at 2mbps

but then it depends on your requirements

You don't need to swtich off and on modem, create scripts and put it on task scheduler to run at correct times, PM me if u need more info on it
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I was on home 500 once, then switched onto 750 plan.

Avoiding The talks and coming to the point, Dont switch to H 500 if u ask me.

Reason is that with BSNL, you can only try not to be naive, foolish, nutcase etc cuz BSNL wont budge from its esteemed level of Insanity with CC.

I got an extra bill of 1k and the CC at Bsnl nearly did knocked the wind outta my sails.

They dont have an iota of what they are talking leave alone what the job is.

Even if for once ur download gets counted in the bill-able hours, you wd be in a soup.

By your own admission, you got lots of stuff to download.

Now if this thing happens twice or thrice (God forbids), that is within a month.. you d be cursing yourself for the day you changed your plan.

If you do wanna download, then switch to airtel or some other ISP.

But downloading with BSNL's H500, is simply loosing your peace of mind.
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Surely Home 500 plan is good for downloading. Night 2-8 you can easily download upto 4GB. Just find a script to automatically restart your modem.

If yo want to do some browsing in the day then you can go for Hme 1000 plan. Its got 5gb limit. Its works out pretty good fo me . I get 20% discount as my dad is a govt employee.
So i pay Rs.800 for Home 1000:)

I download from 2:05 to 7:55. I have never been billed extra. Why start at 2:30 and end at 7:30??
We are on the same "Queen Elizabeth the 2nd ", man :party: :party:.

My people at home gave me this ,:bangin:,:bangin:,:argue:,:argue: ,:cursing: and this:chair:

All of this came free with Home 500 C+ connection :clap::clap::clap:.

now on Home 750 , :peace::peace::peace::peace: eternal,surreal :peace:

:cya: :rockon:

Spacescreamer said:
I was on home 500 once, then switched onto 750 plan.

Avoiding The talks and coming to the point, Dont switch to H 500 if u ask me.

Reason is that with BSNL, you can only try not to be naive, foolish, nutcase etc cuz BSNL wont budge from its esteemed level of Insanity with CC.

I got an extra bill of 1k and the CC at Bsnl nearly did knocked the wind outta my sails.

They dont have an iota of what they are talking leave alone what the job is.

Even if for once ur download gets counted in the bill-able hours, you wd be in a soup.

By your own admission, you got lots of stuff to download.

Now if this thing happens twice or thrice (God forbids), that is within a month.. you d be cursing yourself for the day you changed your plan.

If you do wanna download, then switch to airtel or some other ISP.

But downloading with BSNL's H500, is simply loosing your peace of mind.
Spacescreamer said:
I was on home 500 once, then switched onto 750 plan.
Avoiding The talks and coming to the point, Dont switch to H 500 if u ask me.

Reason is that with BSNL, you can only try not to be naive, foolish, nutcase etc cuz BSNL wont budge from its esteemed level of Insanity with CC.
I got an extra bill of 1k and the CC at Bsnl nearly did knocked the wind outta my sails.
They dont have an iota of what they are talking leave alone what the job is.
Even if for once ur download gets counted in the bill-able hours, you wd be in a soup.

By your own admission, you got lots of stuff to download.
Now if this thing happens twice or thrice (God forbids), that is within a month.. you d be cursing yourself for the day you changed your plan.
If you do wanna download, then switch to airtel or some other ISP.
But downloading with BSNL's H500, is simply loosing your peace of mind.

this is the doubt that's been nagging my mind. thats the reason i was thinking of getting a separate line just for 500+. that way i could switch on the modem after 2am till 8am and be safe.
all other times i could use the slow poke 750.

also no other isp giving bb here. just the dial up over wireless which maxes out at 144kb i think from airtel, reliance as usual. had asked them for 512k /1mb line but they dont service my area.
Seriously, the whole idea of getting two lines for ur BB wont be a viable one.

The whole idea of sticking to 750 is to avoid 500, and if eventually u gonna get HU500,

well then i dont know.

If u switch to 500 connection, i think u need to keep urself less frivolous regarding ur utubes, ur online lavishness and what nots.

But already been said and proven.. CC for BSNL is just on paper.
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