Android Is MI Pad 1 worth it?

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I am looking for a tablet with a 8" screen size and powerful hardware.I would prefer the screen resolution to be 1080p or above.I want Android as OS.The tabs I have shortlisted are Mi pad 1 and lenovo S8-50f.The main usage will be media consumption with videos upto 4k and lil bit of gaming.And i want it to be under 10k.So lenovo and Xiaomi are the only options left for me.AFAIK Mi Pad supports micro sd cards upto 128 gigs.So i want to ask you how is the overall performance of the Mi Pad and does it exfat support?
It is still a good piece of hardware. Rather than exFAT, look at ext2/3/4 instead. If you use your device for moving the data, there is no need to install any drivers since the file system type would be invisible to the OS
The only issue I see is Mi Pad is stuck on KitKat. There is no Lollipop update in sight. Forget Marshmallow.
Otherwise, the device is one of the best 10k I have spent. Excellent 8" 4:3 ratio display, and pretty powerful internals for the price. No idea about exfat support though.
I will mention the same point as the previous reply suggested. The problem of mi pad being stuck on kitkat is the only problem I can see after using it for 2 years. No stable custom roms are available but u can root the device. Almost every Google play games runs smoothly.
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Well today I got to know that MiPad is out of stock.And lenovo s8-50f seems to have some glitches and very low battery life?Anything else you guys recommend?
I will mention the same point as the previous reply suggested. The problem of mi pad being stuck on kitkat is the only problem I can see after using it for 2 years. No stable custom roms are available but u can root the device. Almost every Google play games runs smoothly.
hey man. I'm looking to buy mi pad as well and looking for first hand feedback. primary usage is watching videos and music. also reading comics if possible.

How's the screen? Does it have good audio output through speakers and earphones? and lastly, how's the battery life?
4:3 display would leave a band on top and bottom for all HD content that's 16:9. The MI pad is good for everything else.. Browsing, e books and gaming
Hi! Are you interested in buying a used Mi Pad?

It is almost in mint condition with tempered glass and very good quality case.

I also have a Belkin bluetooth keyboard to pair with it which i bought for long typing sessions as I used to chat and take notes on the tab.
^ how much man? Can you send me some pics? I'm seeing an refurbished mipad for 9k. Thinking of buying that. Would prefer buying from you
hey man. I'm looking to buy mi pad as well and looking for first hand feedback. primary usage is watching videos and music. also reading comics if possible.

How's the screen? Does it have good audio output through speakers and earphones? and lastly, how's the battery life?
I have seen the tablet gone through 30 days of stand by time with 2 - 3 hrs of SOT in a single charge. I have seen 3 movies in a single charge with 8 - 9 hrs of SOT with 60 percent brightness with 20% juice left. Speaker n earphone quality is decent at best. Screen quality is superb but it Supports 4:3 screen size ratio so most of the movies will not be full screen but u can fix em with mx player.
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Hi, could someone tell me what are the dimensions of the display area on this?

I know it's a 8" tablet, and its screen resolution and aspect ratio, but I don't know how to calculate its display dimensions from it. I'm bad at Maths, so please don't ask me to calculate based on Pythagoras theorem or something :).
When I searched for it, all I could find was the details above and the dimensions of the entire tablet. There was some website which claimed to show the actual size of the tablet after calibrating the screen based on a device that I have handy, but what was displayed didn't seem accurate, and it it did not match the dimensions they stated.

So if someone who has access to it could measure the dimensions of the screen, it would be very helpful.
I had bought a Nook tablet from a member here, but it was lost in transit by DTDC (that's what they're saying, but I'm pretty sure some DTDC courier/employee is sporting a 9" HD tablet now)
I can't afford a 9" tablet anymore, but before I settle for a 8" one, I'd like to know its screen dimensions.

Of course if your google-fu is better than mine you can point me to a website which has that information.
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Found an online calculator and the length and width comes out to be 6.4in x 4.8in.

Alternately, if you have ever handled an ipad mini.. The mi pad is identical in screen size to that.
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Screen is good to watch stuff, games work well too in performance mode. Kikat is the killer though, lag during basic tasks, app switching etc also only 2 gb ram which the UI itself consumes most of. It can get annoying but hey 10k only buys that much and it gets the job done.

Cam is decent, better than my old Xperia z.
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hi guys i wanted to know if Mi Pad 1 IS still a good tablet for atleast 2 years?
it got a tegra k1,2gb ram i cant find any problem.

i will be using it with a 128gb sd card for carrying around 15gb of English wikipedia,30gb of music,and tons of TV Shows and Other stuff.

now i have used every ipad till air 2,nexus 7 and most recently an iphone 6 plus which i plan to sell for 11k to get the mi pad.
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