Storage Solutions Is my hdd dying ? - plz help

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hello guys, my old config is 3800+, asus m2n pv-vm, seagate 120gb PATA hdd.

INFO : The warranty of this board and proccy is going to expire by the end of this year. HDD has no warranty i.e., more than 5 yrs old)

About 3 months back, when i started my pc, i got disk boot failure error (the usual error which we get when hdd is not connected or gone kaput). I checked in the bios boot priority and found that both the 1st and 2nd boot device bear the name CD-ROM. The 1st boot device is supposed to be the cd-rom and 2nd the harddisk.

I was able to change the 2nd boot device to hard disk however. And things went fine till today evening.

When my father was working with MS-word, the system crashed and the screen had shown up some parallel lines and system hung up. Then my father has pressed the reset button and then it entered windows but after sometime the same parallel lines - system hung up. Actually i dint see those lines. My father told me.

The IDE cable is the one supplied by ASUS which bears the title CD-ROM cable . Its also very thin and not strong as the HDD cable. So i replaced this cable with the ASUS supplied HDD cable which seems to be of good quality.

What could be the problem ?. Is the culprit, the cable ?. Or my hdd is going to die ?. Is my mobo faulty ?.

plz reply asap guys...
microsoft said:
how come that be possible ?
HDD usually holds 5 years warranty? isn't it?

yes it carries 5 yrs warranty and its purchased on 2004 mate...

Is HDD tach fully reliable to test the health of hdds ?. Or is there any best software than HD tach to test my hard drive ?. plz reply guys...
Striker10 said:
HDTune - Error scan

here is the HD tach report...

plz go through and tell me whether the HDD is the culprit or not.

Before that is the HD tune software fully reliable ?.

plz reply mate..
salman8506 said:
I suspect the ram as there are horizontal lines test with memtest and report back...

will check and report back mate.

Before that its important to state what happened yesterday. My pc cabby was open for the past 2 days so i connected the side cover fan of the cabby to the mobo and closed the cabby. After this there was no display . So i removed the side cover along with the fan connection.

Even this time there was no display, the proccy fan spins and there was light in the mobo.

Now i removed one of the ram sticks from the mobo and still there was no display. Then removed the other stick also and expected the memory beep. But no memory beep and no display.

When i disconnected the hdd ide cable from the mobo the pc started and gave the memory beep
. Thinking that the hdd had gone kaput , i reconnected the hdd and also the memory stick. It gave the usual pc startup beep and the system started working..

Now tell me me mate. Is the HDD responsible for my pc not starting ?. The HDD cable is a new one which i replaced 3 days back (because of the system crash/hung up which i mentioned my first post..)

plz help me mate...

salman8506 said:
I suspect the ram as there are horizontal lines test with memtest and report back...

tested with memtest 3.85 mate. It reported no errors. Now what to do ?. Now is the mobo, the culprit ?. The problem seems to be intermittent. As for now the pc works fine...

Is there any other way to diagonise the issue ??

HDD tune software is only platter level or PCB level ?. anyone plz explain
Is there any software to test the PCB of the HDD. Just checking the platters of the HDD and determining the condition of the harddisk is of no use.

Sometimes there can be issue with the power component of the HDD PCB too. For instance, take motherboards. They are PCBs only. But even they fail. So is the case of hdd PCBs...

plz enlighten me guys...
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