Storage Solutions Is my HDD going to die?

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I have 3 HDD drives installed on my PC.

From couple of months i have been hearing some weird sounds from my PC and felt that they are coming from one of my harddisks.

So installed HD Tune Pro and checked the health of each HDD and here are details:

1. WD6400AAKS (640GB) (Windows 7 is installed on this partition)

Temperature :40 C

Health Status: Warning

It shows warning on "Ultra DMA CRC Error Count"

2. ST31000528AS (1000GB)

Temp: 35 C

Health Status: Ok

3. ST3320620AS (320GB)

Temp: 38 C

Health Status: Ok

So is there any problems in any of my HDDs? Mainly the 1st WD HDD?

Another issue, i see that my system hangs quite frequently...manly firefox. Can this be anything related to HDD?
Don't bother. Backup all the data and RMA it.

You *may* get a 1TB black in return in all probability. :P

PS: What version of Firefox? Does this happen with any other browser such as Opera or Chrome?
For warning on "Ultra DMA CRC Error Count" , try to use different sata cables & different ports.
It may solve this problem.
Its Firefox 3.6.8. Its stable most of the times...but very unstable sometimes! And this problem is mainly with FF. Chrome, Opera works ok..

@vivacious, i can try a diff cable..but what about the hard disk noise?

And btw,will WD RMA the hard disk even if there is no/not much problem with the disk? and approx how many days will they take to return the drive?

Backing up is going to be a PITA now as ~80% of it is filled and tht too OS partition :(
Here is the screenie...


  • HDD.jpg
    85.4 KB · Views: 100
even my hdd has same problem here is screenshot..


should i go for RMA, also 1 of partition does not list in HDtune but is visible and accessible in explorer
Change the Power cable + SATA cable both along with using a different SATA port...

Sometimes its weak power & sometimes its bad SATA cable/ port....
hello,sorry to hijack this thread,noticed my hdd too has the same problem.

wd-3200aaks-00b3,2,5 years old.

before,hd tune pro use to give a "Health Status: Warning" for the ultra dma crc error count.then,i had to reinstall windows for some reason,and after installing hd tune pro,its been like this,

no warnings it a problem?i changed cables,no use.main problem is,i have only 1 internal hdd.but,backup can be taken.

how to fix it?
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