Graphic Cards Is my psu enough for Palit HD4850?


i have local company psu(Xtech....i hope u have heard the name of it) of 450watts comes with cabinet only....will that sufficient for hd4850??.....also if not then will that sufficient for hd4830??..........also if i want to buy new psu of 450watts what is minimum price?
to quote an expert on this forum "i'd better throw water on the 4850/30 than run it off the el-cheapo psu".

Seriously i'd recommend investing in a decent 450 watt psu, the choice is obvious "Corsair VX 450". This should cost you about 35-3700 bucks. actual prices may vary as per location.
ashray99923 said:
i have local company psu(Xtech....i hope u have heard the name of it) of 450watts comes with cabinet only....will that sufficient for hd4850??.....also if not then will that sufficient for hd4830??..........also if i want to buy new psu of 450watts what is minimum price?

Open the cabby and see how many amps your PSU can put out on +12V rail(s).

BTW, you will do a favour to your rig by putting a good PSU in it. So, If you can, please get VX450 (around 3.5K) or Real Power 550W (around 4.3K in Delhi). Borderline PSU will be Cooler Master 460W Extreme Power Plus @ 2.4K
AMPERE rating on 12V rail if ~20 will be good .
BUT better get good PSU

ZEBRONICS PRO SERIES REAL WATT 500W 2.9K ....donno how it performs siite says it has 80% efficiency

borderline POV500W 2.7K
CM 460W
to OP:
instead of choosing gfx card for your PSU, choose psu for your gfx card

buy VX450, if tight on budget, atleast a POV 500 or CM 460
Yes. A good PSU is a must!! I had an iBall SH*T PSU that came with my iBall crap cabby. Two of its wires burned due to some short circuit once. Then recently it wouldn't turn the system on in evenings due to low voltage. There was lots of problems with my harddrive and system stability in general.

Since I got a Corsair 650TX ( which is higher than you would need BTW . you can get a VX450), it has been peace of mind all the way. There has even been a couple of brown-outs, with the lights and all flickering, and still the PC didn't restart!!

Get a better PSU. It powers your whole system. Its worth every rupee you spend on it.
Don't risk it is all I can say. Speaking from personal experience, I had the HD4850 on a Powersafe 500W Gold PSU which has 32A on a Dual rail 12v line. After only 2 months of having this card on it I got a few shutdown & reboot issues. I instantly knew that it wasn't able to provide consistent power to the card. Switched to VX450 just a week back & everything works flawlessly now.
240V 4A
OUTPUT +3.3V +5V +12V -5V -12V +5VSB
22A 30A 16A 0.5A 0.5A 2.0A
450W Max

this is written on my psu.i am going to singapore next month...i am buying palit hd4850 from there.....what u think it is enough for which card?
ashray99923 said:
i have local company psu(Xtech....i hope u have heard the name of it) of 450watts comes with cabinet only....will that sufficient for hd4850??.....also if not then will that sufficient for hd4830??..........also if i want to buy new psu of 450watts what is minimum price?

Are you buying a psu only to run the gfx card?

If not, then you also need to post/mention your full PC specifications/configuration so that others are able to provide proper suggestions/advice. :)

ashray99923 said:

240V 4A


+3.3V +5V +12V -5V -12V +5VSB

22A 30A 16A 0.5A 0.5A 2.0A

450W Max

this is written on my psu.i am going to singapore next month...i am buying palit hd4850 from there.....what u think it is enough for which card?

That is totally unsafe for new gen rigs, with gaming cards especially.

Especially some unheard of brand.

What is your PC config and it still works? :p
Yup yup, PSU is like the nervous system of PC and we indians have been ignoring it since ages..... ppl used to buy high end components but seldom wanted to spend much on the poor psu :p

Thankfully things are changing now.

junkiedogg said:
Yes. A good PSU is a must!! I had an iBall SH*T PSU that came with my iBall crap cabby. Two of its wires burned due to some short circuit once. Then recently it wouldn't turn the system on in evenings due to low voltage. There was lots of problems with my harddrive and system stability in general.

Since I got a Corsair 650TX ( which is higher than you would need BTW . you can get a VX450), it has been peace of mind all the way. There has even been a couple of brown-outs, with the lights and all flickering, and still the PC didn't restart!!

Get a better PSU. It powers your whole system. Its worth every rupee you spend on it.

These reading are bullcrap ignore it. This PSU even if states 35A on 12V rail will kill ur PC/ degrade it OR will give u constant problems. Get VX450 Corsair from India, local warrantee is an advantage, specially corsair has good ASS.

ashray99923 said:

240V 4A



OUTPUT +3.3V +5V +12V -5V -12V +5VSB

22A 30A 16A 0.5A 0.5A 2.0A

450W Max

this is written on my psu.i am going to singapore next month...i am buying palit hd4850 from there.....what u think it is enough for which card?
my Full Specifications are following:
cpu: intel e7200
mobo: galaxy mcp73
ram: kingston 1 gb 667mhz
hdd: IDE 160GB
sony dvd writer
samsung 19" monitor
cabinet: XTech with 450w psu
ashray99923 said:
my Full Specifications are following:
cpu: intel e7200
mobo: galaxy mcp73
ram: kingston 1 gb 667mhz
hdd: IDE 160GB
sony dvd writer
samsung 19" monitor
cabinet: XTech with 450w psu
Not at all. I suggest you buy atleast Corsair VX450.

4850 will just suck all the power from your Xtech & eat it for breakfast :mad:
4850 is a very good card, It beats both 9800GT & 9600Gt. Even if you are aiming for 9800GT & 9600Gt its better to have atleast Corsair VX450

The card (4850) you have opted is the best choice at the moment, but you need to have a better mobo( atleast p45 chipset). Rest all seems to be fine to me