PC Peripherals Is powersafe 450 Watts enough for the following config plus future upgrade?

I have an Antec 400W 20 pin psu with almost 2 years warranty for around 2.2k (shipped) ... lemme know if u need it. it will easily run this config.

EDIT : And it has the SATA power pins that u want ... :)
Hi, finally got the powersafe 500 watt from my city itself today.:clap: . Paid 3150/- for it. The dealer won't give any discount. :mad:

Well I hope to upgrade by the end of this week. Btw, just for kicks, can I run a 6800GT or 7600GT on this smps?:S
man u should have bought one of the Vantec Ion2 460W psu's from the guys on the forum who are selling it instead of buying that Powersafe 500W at that steeeeeeeeep price.
Well slow moving goods always cost more here in Guwahati. Powersafe is available only in one shop over here. On the bright side, I get assured support service for the next 3 years in my city itself.:)

That won't have been the case with the vantec.:cool2:

Btw, Asus A8N-E cost 6500/- over here. I know its too high but I don't have a choice either. :mad:
Nah even the A8N-E is a bit too much. The price is like 5.5k anywhere else, so shdnt have been more than 6k there. It would have been better if u got it from somewhere else and had it shipped to ur place. Would have saved u abt 1.5k.
andysmith45 said:
Well slow moving goods always cost more here in Guwahati. Powersafe is available only in one shop over here. On the bright side, I get assured support service for the next 3 years in my city itself.:)

That won't have been the case with the vantec.:cool2:

Btw, Asus A8N-E cost 6500/- over here. I know its too high but I don't have a choice either. :mad:
thats too much!! :mad: few months back when I got mine I didnt pay more than 6k prices are lower now
Just installed the powersafe 500 watt yesterday on my old rig. Powersafe is written on the box but the sticker on the psu says:

"Model: VIP 500W ATX P4"

So is it a powersafe 500 watt psu or or did t cheated? Its heavier than my old Frontech 300 watt psu and its gold-plated.