Is sailing and boating culture viable in India.


Recently I've got into the fantasy of sailing around the world in a boat (I know, I know it's not happening). Watching a lot of videos about sailing and which boat to buy and all that. Made me curious why we don't have recreational boating culture in India especially in the Southern states that have both relative affluence and a naval history. Check out this website and put a filter on ship type -> Pleasure craft. There are pretty much none in India and the few that do exist are tour boats. Here are some of the possible reasons that came to my mind.

1. Only the Westerners were into the naval and pirating stuff, but Indians do have a naval history, especially Bengal region and the South were known for their ships, and of course the Chola empire. Even today Indians form a huge chunk of seamen in the commercial shipping industry.
2. We don't have the weather or the natural beauty to make this possible, but I don't see how you can't make a nice holiday out of sailing from Kerala backwaters to Lakshdweep or Andamans. Internationally the popular sailing destinations are the Bahamas, Tahiti, Hawaii, etc.
3. Rich people naturally want to get away from the poor, so rich people in the west get a boat, but rich people in India simply go to the West. That is their ultimate fantasy and so they don't think about sailing to the Andamans. This sounds like the most plausible to me but it's obviously a more complex issue.

Anyway I was surprised to find that it's a relatively obtainable dream for upper-middle class people in the US, it costs about the same as buying a high end supercar, which increasingly large number of people have even in India. What do you guys think, can we expect to see this in India as our prosperity grows. How is this scene in other traditional societies like Singapore etc?
I've read this sentence on YT from western people who own a boat - "There's two days you are very happy when owning a boat, the day when you buy it and the day you finally get rid of it!"
Too much maintenance and troublesome to own. You're always repairing something, water is always leaking from somewhere, mold problems, electrical problems, etc.
You may find this guy Abhilash Tomy interesting:

As for snobbishness by Indians, even he faced the same !


That was on the news some time ago.

You can book yachts in Goa, going by the website

Respect for you for having this beautiful dream.
I've been carrying this dream since God knows when to sail across the world.
But life's reality makes many dreams almost impossible.....
anyways to the point..
Sailing is expensive activity that most parents/individuals atleast middle class will not be able to easily afford. Westerns can do this because their way of life is well balanced and allows them to pursue many things than just career. They are not bound by responsibilities like we Indians do.

My relative is young, a Medical Nurse in hospital in Europe She did her course and now Makes about $6000 . She works 3-6 months in a year and 5-6 months travelling. Recently she did sailing too on a rented boat.

In India ....It can take generations to build or even own a decent house.. I am talking about Middle Class and below middle class too. I know people from Middle class who have hardly even travelled much because there live revolves around taking care of kids, parents and maintaining a decent life style. Some I know have never even been to snow place so never seen snow actually and since I know people in mountain areas also as I have worked and lived with them. Many here have never been to the beach . I mean never seen an Ocean.

And here you talking about having a personal sail boat where most people still dont even have a house. btw Owing a sail boat is not exactly that easy for western people also.

What this shows is for about 70% Indians even normal travelling has always been a luxury expense. Shows our standard of actual living.
But we have just come out of that mindset and becoming more adventurous. It will take time.

Now lets try to Understand Western Mindset.

First it is in their way of life that risk taking is encouraged. From Businesses to personal life. They can afford this way of life and get themselves involved in such hobbies.

Let me tell you about my german Friends Father who was doing Everest Base Camp trek in his late 60s and he got very sick AMS .... He was immediately rescued through Helicopter and the bill was covered by his German insurance.

And about my Japanese friend doing Free Solo Climb of a big wall. Had a bad fall ...broke his skull and was in serious condition with very high medical fees but fortunately covered by his insurance.

Not one company in India provides insurance for adventure activity except Bajaj that too gives only recreational Insurance coverage with crazy terms and conditions and there is one more ACS360 which has now started covering Insurance in adventure activity but I have heard their coverage is not exactly fully covered . About than 50-60% and even 40% can be crazy amount in such rescue missions.

I was in a major expedition abroad few years back and same time 2 Americans were rescued and they got billed $4000 for about 30 mins helicopter ride to city from wilderness and bad weather. They could afford that risk taking and knowing they can take that chances .
I was once talking to a friend about this and he said he rather die because his family will not be able to afford that much and I am in same boat as him.

Gradually things will change and we will see such things here too but right now it is a luxury and the right attitude we dont have.

Look I know many Indians who would rather spend millions on wedding and show off than to actually spent on something like buying a boat and do something like that.

I still hope you continue with this beautiful dream of yours and Don't give up.
Sailing is expensive activity that most parents/individuals atleast middle class will not be able to easily afford. Westerns can do this because their way of life is well balanced and allows them to pursue many things than just career. They are not bound by responsibilities like we Indians do.
Westerners can do it because it's affordable. And so is flying too at least on the west coast.

Something else 96% of luxury cars are leased. If you can afford the monthly rent you can have one.

The point is you don't need to own anything which makes all these pursuits affordable for many and profitable.

Once upon a time telephones were considered a luxury item. We didn't need cellphones because only the rich would use them.
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I am literally on the same boat as you :) accidentally watched a movie on sailing then explored many videos on YouTube for few months and watched many yacht tours as well. Started thinking about buying one and go sail around the world (You can laugh at me ). but then I thought if this is so fun then why almost no one is India doing it, after all rich people are in India as well who are buying supercars and luxury real state. and I reached on this page as well.
here are the some reasons behind this as I understood after traveling on Internet for a while.
1 - boats are really bad investment if you think about it just from money perspective and most rich people just want to increase there wealth to show others , having fun they don't care that much.
2 - almost no government infra, support and proper regulation around it. on top of it around 60 percent import duty and other charges on yachts which refrain more people from buying these.
3 - not many options to buy made in India yachts and cruising boats, almost no shipbuilder companies building great personal boats here. The most great shipbuilder companies are from Europian countries.
4 - weather is not that great in the Indian Ocean for the blue water cruising.
I am literally on the same boat as you :) accidentally watched a movie on sailing then explored many videos on YouTube for few months and watched many yacht tours as well. Started thinking about buying one and go sail around the world (You can laugh at me ). but then I thought if this is so fun then why almost no one is India doing it, after all rich people are in India as well who are buying supercars and luxury real state. and I reached on this page as well.
here are the some reasons behind this as I understood after traveling on Internet for a while.
1 - boats are really bad investment if you think about it just from money perspective and most rich people just want to increase there wealth to show others , having fun they don't care that much.
2 - almost no government infra, support and proper regulation around it. on top of it around 60 percent import duty and other charges on yachts which refrain more people from buying these.
3 - not many options to buy made in India yachts and cruising boats, almost no shipbuilder companies building great personal boats here. The most great shipbuilder companies are from Europian countries.
4 - weather is not that great in the Indian Ocean for the blue water cruising.
I think Chennai to Andaman or Mumbai to Dubai could be decent destinations for rich people. I guess even if Indian billionaire buys a yacht it would unfortunately stay in Europe and the money wouldn't be spent here. If I become a billionaire (watch out Ambani) I promise you guys I will build a marina in Mumbai.