Is Solid Snake Really Going To Blow His Head into Oblivion

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If you've seen the 15 minute trailer it shows snake holding a gun in his mouth, do you really think he's going to do it? and raiden looks even more camp than any other time:P(
he does look superb though..... hehe. That Camouflage looks pretty darn good aswell:P haha.
From the looks of it, this will definitely be Solid Snakes last game. The camouflage is unique in this one.

Though, don't judge anything from the trailers now, Kojima has done a lot of spoofs already, at one point even said something related to Big Boss (Naked Snake) being in the game as well.

Though I can't wait to see more from Ocelot.
I dont know how liquid and ocelot go togehter but if any of you know please share with me.... kojima is a sneaky person :P.... hehe just leave as much info as you can please:P>......
Kojima has confirmed that Snake will NOT die in this game. Read it somewhere on the TUS forums. Do some snooping around and you'll find it too.
the portable ops looks really good i ont have a PSP but will get one when i can just to buy this game.....

does anybody know wheather Metal Gear Acid, Metal Gear Acid 2 are anything related to the story of MGS............

Finished the can someone lend me a ps2 so that i can play the earlier MGS games :P

Params..try the MGS graphic novel..damn good.
Yeah the graphic novel is awesome. Im really happy they decided to get Wood onboard PO too. His artwork suits the MGS series best.
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