Is TATA (aka VSNL) good for gaming ??

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ANP !!!

As the title states i m here again with a question, i have been a user of Iqara/Youtele for like 5 yrs now, in the recent times it was like the best ISP for gaming, but now its really starting to S**K, i mean its s**king really hard, i get a ping ranging from 50-120 even after 12am n 150+ during daytime, formally i was getting 8-25 at nights n slightly higher in daytime. This is not just a problem from the past few days, but its like more then a month now, they keep on saying that its just coz of maintainance work n all that BS. n CS is the only game i play the most when i m feeling bored so it does matter a LOT, i also do a lot of Torrent n PSP downloads.

So i seriously plan to change my ISP, the games i play is mainly CS 1.6. I have heard TATA is considered good for gaming, soom peeps getting as low as 5-10 even during daytime. I inquired about their plans n they say that their unlimited broadband division is managed by VSNL, n they gave me a no. i havent called them yet, just thought of asking the ppl here before doing anything.

Reliance isnt available in my Area, so its out of my question.

Plz help me out guys,

Thanks for reading all this.


ANP !!! :) :)
I'm a TATA user in Pune, and i think their service is just about ok. I get around 25-40 pings to VS and about 60 to FS so i think its playable.
at our place only one advise stay away from vsnl which is marketing their service as anaronline.

its either of the evil BSNL or IQARA you have one and stick to it till reliance or tata tele comes.
I think it SIMPLY rox as far as gaming is concerned..

Thankfully i am not getting too much of DOWNTIME and pings are b/w 30 to 40 and no SPIKES , NO loss , No choke and perfectly playable @ 60 fps constant (if u have V sync ON) ... You just have to get the rates rite!!

I mean i am in pune and the routing they have done is reasonable NOT too good like reliance ( who all get lower pings than when i am playing on my LAN... _|_ ) but pretty decent...i have my connection shared so even if some one is browsing or even downloading thru a torrent client i hardly sometime get 10-20 CHOKE..

So i think for online gaming i have no regrets going with TATA (Also i dont have a choice = D )
medpal said:
at our place only one advise stay away from vsnl which is marketing their service as anaronline.

its either of the evil BSNL or IQARA you have one and stick to it till reliance or tata tele comes.

TATA's Cable broadband is handled by VSNL, but its stil under TATA only. according to that TATA guy :).

Even the website has VSNL Logo written on the top

Wht do u think medpal ? I m seriously pissed off by the ping YouTele offers, n i pay 800 bucks for this :@ :@ n even my Torrent speeds have gone way down.

@Praful, thx for the reply man, wht type of ping n choke u get when not downloading any torrent..?


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Tata Mumbai rocks for Gaming.

Pings are always rock solid low.

Even pings to SG/HK/Malay/UK Servers are good.
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